Attribute search

Each entity has a set of attributes which define it. We identified common attributes between similar entities. The user could retrieve entities based on the value of these attributes. To enhance the attribute search we added the following features:

  1. Multi author search with any order The user could enter multi authors in the different author fields, the system will AND them automatically. The user need not to be concerned with the order of authors. The system will take any order is desired by the user.
  2. Registration Date The user could specify the exact date of the entity that were registered to the system. Additionally he could ask the system to give all entities that were registered from that date until now by specifying the following ` > ``25-DEC-1990'' `. The registration date search could support the following: equal (=), not equal (!=), greater (>), less (<), equal greater (=>), equal less (=<).
  3. Creation date The same capability that are used in Registration date search could be used in Update date search.

The common attributes are demonstrated in the attribute screen shown in Figure 2.

Figure: Attribute screen.