State Machine Code

Both the PVFS client and server use a state machine model to control execution. State machines are written in files with a .sm extention and are compiled into C data structures for further compilation and linking.

A state machine consists of a set of states, with one state indicated as the first state. Each state includes a state action followed by a set of the possible transitions to other states. Each transtition includes the name of the next state and the return code that is used to select that transition.

Alternatively a state can specify another "nested" state machine rather than a state action, in which case this new state machine is executed as a subroutine. Upon return, the nested state machine returns to the calling state machine. A state can also specify that multiple instances of a state machine will be executed concurrently. When all of the concurrent state machines have returned the caller continues.

Transitions can specify another state in the same machine, or to return from a nested state machine, or to terminate the current state machine.

The following is a synopsis of the state machine language, showing the various options by way of example:

/* beginning of .sm file */

/* code at the top of the file is plain C code. */
/* state actions must be declared here before the state machine */

static PINT_sm_action state_action_1 (
    struct PINT_smcb *smcb, job_status_s *js_p);
static PINT_sm_action state_action_3 (
    struct PINT_smcb *smcb, job_status_s *js_p);
static PINT_sm_action state_action_4 (
    struct PINT_smcb *smcb, job_status_s *js_p);

/* helper functions and other declarations go here too */

#define RETVAL 1


/* after the double percent goes the machine declaration */

machine my_machine_sm (
    state state_1
	     run state_action_1;
		  success => state_2;  /* success is return value 0 */
		  default => state_4;

	 state state_2
	     jump a_nested_state_machine_sm;
		  RETVAL => state_3;

	 state state_3
	     pjmp state_action_3
		      /* values here are set up in state_action_3 */
		      4 => parallel_state_machine_1;
		      3 => parallel_state_machine_2;
		      RETVAL => parallel_state_machine_3;
		  default => state_4;

	 state state_4
	     /* this state action cleans up after the pjmp */
	     run state_action_4;
		  default => terminate;


/* after the second double percent all code is in plain C */
/* here we implement all of the state actions */

static PINT_sm_action state_action_1 (
    struct PINT_smcb *smcb, job_status_s *js_p)
    PINT_server_op *sop = (PINT_server_op *)PINT_sm_frame(smcb, PINT_FRAME_CURRENT);

static PINT_sm_action state_action_3 (
    struct PINT_smcb *smcb, job_status_s *js_p)
    PINT_server_op *sop = (PINT_server_op *)PINT_sm_frame(smcb, PINT_FRAME_CURRENT);
    /* This state action sets up a pjmp.  It needs to push one frame
       onto the frame stack for each parallel task.  Each time is pushes a
       frame it needs to specify a tag that matches one of the tags in the
       state machine code above (4, 3, or RETVAL).
    for (i = 0; i < sop->; i++)
        PINT_server_op *new = (PINT_server_op *)malloc(sizeof(PINT_server_op));
        /* set up new for the new sm probably from the current frame */
        new-> = sop->;
        /* determine which state machine to run */
        if (i = 0)
            tag = RETVAL; /* run parallel_state_machine_3 */
            if (somevar > someval)
                tag = 4; /* run parallel_state_machine_1 */
                tag = 3; /* run parallel_state_machine_2 */
        /* push frame */

static PINT_sm_action state_action_4 (
    struct PINT_smcb *smcb, job_status_s *js_p)
    PINT_server_op *sop = (PINT_server_op *)PINT_sm_frame(smcb, PINT_FRAME_CURRENT);
    /* This state action cleans up after the parallel SMs have been run with
       pjmp.  The frames pushed before the pjmp are still on the stack and must
       be poped off.  Presumably there is return information in each one that
       must be aggrigated.  In particular, error codes should be reviewed.