Strided Region Requests

A data area made up of regular strided groups of contiguous elements can also be represented with a single PINT_Request structure. A region consisting of GROUPS groups of ELEMENTS items of type ETYPE with a size of ESIZE each with a stride between the first element of each group of STRIDE bytes would be as in figure C:

      offset = OFFSET
      num_ereqs = ELEMENTS
      stride = STRIDE
      num_blocks = GROUPS
      ub = ((GROUPS - 1) * STRIDE) + (ELEMENTS * ESIZE)
      lb = 0
      aggregate_size = GROUPS * ELEMENTS * ESIZE 
      depth = 1
      num_contig_chunks = GROUPS
      etype = ETYPE
      stype = NULL

Once again this assumes that ETYPE is a contiguous type.
