/* this example may not be up to date, try looking in the module repository * for a better one */ /* TODO: make this a real example */ #include #include int boring_int; #if 1 int another_boring_int; #endif Coven_Module some_module ( const int a, const int b, const float c, input buffer foo bar, output buffer YOGI bear[b*a], output buffer BOOBOO bear2[bear[10]*100], input buffer JABBA the_hut[full_me_up], input unsigned int d, static output buffer int blah[d], output float * blahblah, input char etc83458345, input unsigned char etcetc, inout unsigned short * usrusr, inout unsigned short * usrusr2 ) { bunch of C code } int blah(aksdf sadfkjajsdfsdkasfd) { asdakjsd kjasdfkjasdf ewkrqerlwer; } void * kljdsfkjasf() { if(asdfasdfa) { } }