Here's a gallery of K95 terminal screens, captured from K95 1.1.21 on Windows XP. This is the console version of K95, not the GUI version. Click on any screen to see the full-size image. All screens are 24x80, but of course K95 can also handle tall or wide screens. A few of the many user-selectable fore- and background color combinations are shown.

This screen illustrates new terminal-emulation features of the GUI version of Kermit 95 2.0, K95G, including double-high/wide characters, true underlining, and italics.
This was one of the nicer BBS graphics we ran across in the early days of K95, the Metropolis BBS in St Louis (the same picture was used with permission on the back cover of the original K95 manual). The emulation is ANSI.
This screen shot shows how K95 can display text in many languages and scripts, even in a Console window. The emulation is VT320, the terminal character-set is UTF-8, and the font is Andale Mono WT J. If you look at the full size image you'll see West and East European Roman, Greek, Cyrillic, Georgian, Korean, and other writing systems -- even Runes -- on the same terminal screen.
This shot illustrates URL highlighting. URLs are included in a plain-text e-mail message. K95 highlights them automatically. If you Ctrl-Click on a URL, K95 tells your browser to visit it. Note the first URL, even though it is longer than the screen width and has wrapped to a second line, is still recognized as a valid URL. Ctrl-Clicking on wrapped URLs works too.
This picture shows what happens when the message from the previous screen shot is loaded into the full-screen EMACS editor while K95's terminal emulator is in debug mode. Control characters are shown in red (for example, ESC is the same as Ctrl-[, so a red left bracket is an ESC). Printable characters that are part of escape sequences are shown in reverse video.
This screen illustrates K95's color palette. Console applications are restricted to 16 colors, which correspond to the ANSI-format coloration escape sequences used by BBSs (first screen above), Linux "color ls", etc.
This screen shows how K95's VT320 emulator, by following the VT220/320 specification and the ISO 4873 and 2022 standards, can show ASCII, ISO 8859-1 accented letters, and line- and box-drawing characters on the same screen.
This is an IBM mainframe 3270 VM/CMS login screen from Temple University. K95 does not yet include 3270 terminal emulation, but it is still widely used to access IBM mainframes through external 3270 emulators such as the Unix tn3270 program and various terminal servers.
This is an ancient Heath-19 terminal "graphics" demo. It looks a bit rough in Lucida Console, but that's only because it does not contain the Heath-19 special graphics characters, which were not added to Unicode until Unicode 3.1, and will take some time to find their way into Unicode fonts such as Lucida Console and Courier New.

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