Set Parity


Parity is a technique used by communications equipment for detecting errors on a per-character basis; the ``8th bit'' of each character acts as a check bit for the other seven bits. Kermit uses block checks to detect errors on a per-packet basis, and it does not use character parity. However, some systems that Kermit runs on, or equipment through which these systems communicate, may be using character parity. If Kermit does not know about this, arriving data will have been modified and the block check will appear to be wrong, and packets will be rejected. If parity is being used on the communication line, you must inform both Kermits, so the desired parity can be added to outgoing characters, and stripped from incoming ones. SET PARITY should be used for communicating with hosts that require character parity (IBM mainframes are typical examples) or through devices or networks (like GTE TELENET) that add parity to characters that pass through them. Both Kermits should be SET to the same parity. The specified parity is used both for terminal connection (CONNECT) and file transfer (SEND, RECEIVE, GET).

The choices for SET PARITY are:

NONE (the default) eight data bits and no parity bit
EVEN seven data bits with the parity bit SET to make
  the overall parity even
ODD seven data bits with the parity bit SET to make
  the overall parity odd
MARK seven data bits with the parity bit SET to one
SPACE seven data bits with the parity bit SET to zero

If you have SET PARITY to ODD, EVEN, MARK, or SPACE, then advanced versions of Kermit will request that binary files will be transferred using 8th-bit-prefixing3.5. If NONE is specified, 8th-bit-prefixing will not be requested: in fact it means that no parity processing is done, and the 8th bit of each character can be used for data when transmitting binary files.