Description of all areas at (*=no longer active, or it's a local area here) allfix: AllFix File Echo tossing software, and WebUtil an FTP HTTP robot. *amu: Automated Maintenance Utility apg: Apogee games from 3drealms argus: Win95/NT GUI FidoNet FTN Mailer with TCP/IP bbsprog: Older bbs programs/utils (lora, qbbs, tribbs) bbbs: BBBS FidoNet bbs/mailer/areafix/raid, etc. for all operating systems beemail: Beemail FidoNet mailer/utilities from Russia bfds: Batch File Programming files cbm: Commodore apps/utilities/programming chess: Chess games/match info, utilities *comm: Communication/terminal programs,etc. *compress: Archivers of all types cook: Cooking files, utilities, etc. *clipper: Files related to using Clipper. *cprog: Older C/C++ programming files *craft: Crafting files dfn: Door File Network *dbn: Dead Board News (Grateful Dead) Electronic Magazine. *earforce: Music/Sound files ecf: EzyComm BBS *epub: Electronic Editions of books in ascii format fernwood: OS/2 apps/utilities/programming filebone: Current files distributed by the FidoNet Filebone which are not on the FileGate. *fly-net: Flight pics/info/utils fs: New! FlightSimulator files *fsfan: FlightSimulator scenes, addons, etc. *fw: older OS/2 files gamesnet: GamesNet International: Games for all operating systems *golded: GoldEd editor ham: Amatuer Ham Radio programs/utilities info: info files for this site, the IFDC FileGate, net 2320, etc. ipfn: Files of interest to those using Internet protocols to move irex: Internet REX ftp/e-mail, etc lnx-user: Tips/How-to's from the LINUX-USER message echo. *mail: Various FidoNet mail utilities, setups, etc. maxfdn: Maximus FidoNet BBS system, utilities mystic: Mystic bbs nasa: Earth and space science material, O.S.E.I./N.O.A.A. Image of the Day. nexus: Nexus bbs files nodelist: FidoNet nodelist *nov Novell Netware FDN Updates/patches to Novell software. oredson Basic programs with source by Erik Oredson pascal-net: Pascal Programming pcb: PCBoard BBS ppe's, utilities, qwk networks, etc. pdn: Programmers Distribution Network: sources, utils, etc. for all operating systems. perl: Perl programming/utilities pkware: Original ZIP/UNZIP from PKWARE Inc. proboard: Proboard BBS r50: A collection of software from various Russian authors. rar: RAR Archiver, FAR text file manager *rbbs: RBBS-PC BBS rgsn: Renegade BBS *shotgun: Shotgun BBS *snakebyte: SnakeByte inc.'s Automated Episode Guide for tv shows *searchlight Searchlight bbs spitfire: Spitfire BBS files stn: SysOps Tech Net: programming, utilities,etc. syncronet: Syncronet BBS for DOS/OS2 and Win95/NT sunrise: SunRise Online doors by Al Lawrence 16-Bit DOS, and 32-Bit WINServer Doors *sv: John Mudge's SurvivalNet t-mail: T-Mail FidoNet mailer/utilities tg_sup: Telegard BBS files terminate: Terminate Terminal program *util: Older utilities, and a couple linux ansi editors utiln: UtilNet Utilities for DOS/OS2/Win3.1 *virnet: Anti-virus software for all operating systems. virusfdn The new anti-virus fdn, for all operating systems. also includes w32: Windows 95/NT End-user utilities, apps, drivers, etc. wcat: WildCat BBS xfiles: X-Files network files, picks, "strange occurrances" files The FileGate Archive is copyright 1994-2003 by Janis Kracht, on behalf of the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark). Please note: A good number of these files may _not_ be reproduced or distributed on CDROM media. If you mirror these files, please let me know so that I can publish your site name in the FILEGATE.ZXX info file. That way, perhaps my system will not be so overloaded :) Thanks, Janis