FILEGATE POLICY DRAFT .007 Copyright 1994-2006 By Janis Kracht and members of the IFDC Filegate, on behalf of the IFDC FileGate Project =========================================================================== This section of FileGate reccomendations addresses the following: - The IFDC FileGate: An International File Distribution Cooperative - FileGate Coordinators - Creation of a Steering Committee - Acknowlegment of the FileGate in File Archives - Integrity of files released on the FileGate - Redress of problem files released - Duplication of services - Individual Policies of participating FDN's - Overseas connections & coordination - FileGate Zone 1 HUB Structure - EchoMail communications between FDN Heads and Adminstrators - Types of recognized FDNs - Possible solutions to User-Supported FDNs Preface: The IFDC FileGate: An International File Distribution Cooperative The IFDC, an International File Distribution Cooperative is represented in this document by IFDC members who voluntarily agree to encourage the growth and organization of file distribution, this growth and organization being known in this document as the IFDC International FileGate , also referred to in this document as the FileGate . The IFDC is born of the spirit of cooperation among file distribution networks, and reflects the realization of file distribution coordinators that this cooperation is a necessity to provide a quality of service unavailable via other file distribution methods. Further definitions and policies of the IFDC are addressed in the IFDC policy document and are outside the scope of this document. Section 1.0 FileGate Coordinators 1. The International Coordinator of the FileGate is responsible for the smooth operation of the FileGate. The IC agrees to contact those sites in other zones where FileGate sites do not exist, and agrees to recruit those sites as possible FileGate SuperSites. 2. The International Systems Coordinator of the FileGate will accept information from all Zone Supersites as to connections, links, etc. and will create a map of these sites where possible. 3. Each Zone in FidoNet will be organized by the Coordinator of that Zone with regard to HUB and distribution sites. Section 1.1 The FileGate steering commitee The FileGate steering commitee was establised to design policy documents and organization of the Zone 1 File HUBs, oversee the documents presented by other Zone coordinators of the FileGate and to trouble-shoot any problems that may develop which cannot be resolved by the International Coordinator. Elections will be held in the spring for steering commitee members. Members of the steering commitee may be listed FDN Coordinators or FileGate HUB nodes. Section 1.2 FileGate Archive comment All files should have the FileGate archive header as an archive comment, which is the one approved by the International FileGate Coordinator. The filename for this comment is FILEGATE.HDR (updated 01/01/06). If not possible, some other method of marking the files as part of the IFDC FileGate should be discussed with International FileGate Coordinator. For example, another method may be a file included in the archive, identical to the approved FileGate archive Header file. FDN Coordinators must contact their main source of files to confirm author approval of this method since Authors rights are specifically involved in this example. Any alternative to the Archive archive header should be presented to the International FileGate Coordinator for approval, before implementation. Section 1.3 Integrity of Files All Files distributed by FDN (File Distribution Network heads) using the FileGate shall be: 1. checked with a reliable anti-virus program using current virus definitions to verify non-infection of files with virus or trojan programs. 2. checked by the releasing FDN head to assure non-distribution of Commercial software. 3. checked by the releasing FDN head to assure agreement of submitting authors as regards Author's rights in distribution of said Author's files. 4. checked by the releasing FDN to assure only the release of ShareWare, Demo, or Public Domain material. The FDN head may use any method of assuring this, whether it be written signed agreement from contributing authors, or agreement in policy documentation of the FDN, or netmail or e-mail authorization from the author. 5. An important issue that all IFDC FileGate Supersite, Coordinators and links must remember is that any file distributed via the IFDC FileGate should not be re-archived, re-commented, or changed in any manner whatsoever while in transit to another system. In addition, once a file has been moved to other links, etc., authors wishes should always be respected regarding archive types, contents, etc. Section 1.4 Redress of files released in violation of Section 1.2 - 1.3 1. An FDN head who releases virus-infected software, commericial software, or one which the Author has not given permission if it is not public domain or freeware or otherwise freely distributable, shall be responsible for initiating a release of a Replacement file to remove the offending program as soon as possible. The FDN head shall also make all other FDN and FileGate HUBs aware of the problem in the FileGate Echo to expedite the removal of the file from all FileGate systems. 2. Any problems which cannot be resolved by the International Coordinator shall be addressed by the FileGate Steering Commitee for resolution. Section 1.5 Duplication of Services 1. Participating FDN's agree to limit the duplication of files released on the FileGate when at all possible. 2. A method of limiting the duplication of files might be to use a BACKCHANNEL to the FileGate , where a member FDN may send the file of interest to another FDN to that other FDN. 3. Another method of limiting the duplication of files may to use a pre-release announcement echo where all questionable files to be released are announced before release so that other FDN's may make arrangements for distribution of the file. 4. Another method of reducing Dupes while not decreasing FDN file flow for the FDN's in question might be to share questionable file echos, maintaining the original File Echo tags. For example, both and SDN and PDN carry each others' OS2 programming file echo, respectively. One FDN would release the file, the other would receive it. (1-OS2PROG and PDNOS2, and admin. message echos.) 5. In participating in the FileGate, all FDN's agree to use one of the above methods, or another method of limiting the duplication of files, and agrees to discuss any other method with the FileGate International Coordinator. Section 1.6 Individual policies of participating FDN's 1. Each File Distribution Network will develop it's own policy for that FDN. 2. The policy document shall be forwarded to Janis Kracht for inclusion in FileGate Info file, at 1:261/38. 3. At no time shall FileGate Policy over-ride any individual FDN's policy document. 4. Until such time as a policy document is submitted, the FDN will be deemed to follow the default policy defined in this document, or another document TBA. Section 1.7 Overseas connections and coordination 1. Coordination of FileGate Sites: SuperSites are defined as sites connecting to Master FileGate System. Locations of SuperSites are typically outside of Zone 1, and represent other Zones in Fidonet. 2. Supersites agree to further develop the connections in their Zone and also agree to report connections developed to the FileGate Systems Coordinator. 3. Each SuperSite should try to develop 10 CountrySites. Each Countrysite should attempt to connect to 10 more sites. For Example: Zone X Supersite may have for purposes of this example, 8 nodes (CountrySites) Each CountrySite is responsible for recruiting 10 more nodes, and each CountrySite sends info back to the Zone X supersite regarding links. The SuperSite then sends the information upstream to the FileGate System Coordinator. Please see filegate.zxx for a list of current SuperSites Section 1.8 FileGate Zone 1 HUB Structure 1. In Zone 1, the connections to the Master FileGate site form the first Tier of Systems. Please see filegate.zxx for list of current connections to the Master FileGate Site. 2. Each of these sites will connect with 10 other sites, who will in turn develop 10 additional sites, and so on. 3. Files should be freely available to the public and to fidonet members. 1.9 EchoMail communications between FDN Heads and Adminstrators 1. An echo has been established for all FDN Coordinators, SuperSites, and HUBs with a tagname of IFDC. This echo is for discussion of adminstrative issues of the IFDC FileGate and should not be passed on to any other system other than those listed. 2. An echo has been established for all those who are connected to the IFDC FileGate with a tagname of FILEGATE. Discussion in this echo should be limited to any facet or questions regarding FILEGATE distribution. This echo is on the FidoNet Zone 1 backbone and should be picked up from local echomail sources. 3. An echo has been established for a steering commitee members, called FG_ZXPOL. The purpose of this echo is to provide a place where steering committee members may develop and address FileGate Policy for Zone 1, and advisement of other Zones via the document they develop. Only Zone coordinators and FileGate Steering Commitee members should receive this echo. Section 2.0 Announcement Echo 1. All FDN's on the FileGate are encouraged to post new file announcements in one of the file announcement echos, such as FDN_ANNOUNCE. Section 2.1 FDN's (File Distribution Networks) In the IFDC's eyes, there are three types of File Distribution Networks. These types are defined by the method of release of files and how they arrive on the main FileGate System and the distribution which follows on the IFDC FileGate. - Single-Source Hatching FDNs - User Supported FDNs - Exclusive FDNs 1. Single-Source hatching FDNs This type of FDN has designated hatching sites where files may be released. While there is just one site which releases file to FileGate HQ, a Coordinator may specify some other person which will release the files for distribution This site, or sites, may link into the FileGate HQ directly, or be fed to FileGate HQ by a First-Tier HUB or Supersite. A single-source FDN is required to follow all guidelines outlined in section 1.1 - 1.3. 2. User-Supported FDN's A user-supported FDN is designated by having files transferred to the FileGate by the membership of the FDN. The IFDC FileGate _strongly_ discourages this method of dispersal of files for a number of reasons: - There is a greater chance of illegal file entry - There is a greater chance that a virus may be passed through the systems. - There is more work for the FDN Coordinator in cleaning up file flow should there be a problem file after the fact when an entire membership may release files. If an FDN is allowed to join the FileGate as a User-Supported FDN, members may release files from any entry point of the FileGate, but each must agree to apply the FileGate archive comment, and to adhere must agree to abide by sections 1.1 - 1.3. Failure to adhere to these sections is cause for removing the entire FDN from IFDC FileGate distribution. The person who specifies he or she is the FDN Coordinator of that FDN must agree to take responsibility for the removal of any files which a member may release, in accordance with sections 1.1- 1.3. Possible solutions to User Supported FDNs: An FDN may set up a file-echo that accepts files from the entire membership via the IFDC FileGate HUB stucture, but is fed ONLY upstream to FileGate Hq at 1:261/38 where the data may then be directed to the specific FDN Coordinator only. These are called BackChannel file echos. For example, in Allfix, the file2hq area would be configured with a Send only flag to the uplink system, or HUB. At the HUB level it would be configured Send Only to FileGate HQ. At FileGate HQ, it would be configured to receive from all sites, but send only to the FDN HQ. When the FDN Coordinator receives the file, he must test it and process it as usual. 3. Exclusive FDNs Exclusive FDN's are AUTHOR DIRECT, i.e., the FileGate HQ system receives the files from the author's site directly, or his AUTHORIZED representative, for distribution to all Zone SuperSites and HUBs. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS ANY OTHER IFDC FILEGATE FDN authorized to feed these files BACK to the IFDC FILEGATE. All FileGate Hubs and Coordinators however, are encouraged to have these Exclusive FDNs delivered to them by FileGate HQ, so that the files may be fed to downlinks in private networks and/or the FDN Coordinator's links on his own system. Questions regarding Exclusive FDNs and file traffic may be directed to either the Coordinator of Exclusive FDN in question, or the IFDC FileGate International Coordinator.