----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PiXEL STORM ENTERTAINMENT Address : 11135 23A Ave. Edmonton, Alberta Canada T6J-4W5 Internet : orders@sy-systems.com Web : http://www.sy-systems.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PlasmaZone (TM) Please read all the .txt files included in this package, they contain important information. 'README.TXT' - This file describes PlasmaZone and provides help with game play. Read this first. 'HELPME.TXT' - This file provides information on installing and setting up the game, and contains advice on any serious problems you may encounter. 'LICENSE.TXT' - The LICENSE agreement enclosed with this product. 'ORDER.TXT' - The ORDER form, fill out your order using this form. ============================================================================= Running the game: ============================================================================= Type plasmaz to start the game. When you start the game, a short introduction will automatically begin, this can be skipped by pressing the (ESC) key, which takes you to the main menu. Main Menu: Using your mouse, move the arrows up or down to point to your option. Click the Left Mouse button to run the option. Start Game: Click on this option to start playing the game. Demo : This option will run a animated demo of a level, showing you how the game is played. The game will start from the introduction again after the demo has been completed, then it will return to the main menu. The demo can be stopped at anytime by pressing (ESC). The demo will run automatically if the game is left idle. Order Info: This option takes you to a small menu where you can find out Ordering Information (also provided in Order.TXT) and about the game in general. You can choose an option by typing in the menu number, and using the left/right arrow keys to scroll through information. Pressing (ESC) takes you back to the game menu. High Scores: This option will display the top 9 high scores achieved in the game, with persons name and level of each score. Preview Screens: You can view screen shots of other PlasmaZone levels available inside the full game. Quit : This will exit the game. ============================================================================= Game Play: ============================================================================= The object of Plasma Zone is to fill in all the empty spaces (darkened) on a map using the pieces provided. Each level gives you a certain time frame to complete the puzzle, if the counter runs to 0, you lose a life and the level is started again. If you run out of all your lives, the game ends. If you succeed in finishing the puzzle before the time expires, you continue on to the next level. In the full game time varies depending on the difficulty of the level. Score is calculated by the extra time you have left at the end of each level, the faster you finish a level, the more points you get. Passwords are not displayed in the DEMO version. Plasma Zone is comprised of 90 levels, devided into Sectors and Maps. There are a total of 9 Sectors, each containing 10 maps (a to j), combined to make a total of 90 playable levels. Level numbers are shown in the format Sector/Map. For example, 1/a meens Sector 1/Map a, this is level 1. The demo version has 4 playable levels. Each sector has its own difficulty level, with Sector 9 being the hardest. Some sectors have maps which are easier then the previous ones, these are designed to allow players to finish the level with more ease and earn extra lives. ============================================================================= Game Screen & Options: ============================================================================= It is advised that you run the animated demo from the main menu for a better understanding on game basics. Use your mouse cursor to pickup and place pieces onto the map. To pickup a piece, simply move the mouse over it and click the Left Mouse button. Your mouse cursor will become the piece you just picked up. To place a piece onto the map, move the piece over the area you want to drop it in and click the Left Mouse button. Any piece that was placed onto the map can be picked up again by moving the mouse pointer over it and clicking the Left Mouse Button. A piece can also be dropped back on to the bottom panel by moving it over any part of the panel, and clicking the Left Mouse button. You can rotate your picked up piece by clicking the Right Mouse button, this will cycle through the rotations. Pieces on the bottom panel can also be rotated by pressing the Right Mouse button while over a piece. Under each puzzle piece is a quantity number. This is the number of pieces you have left of that specific piece. The time, score, and lives are shown on the right side of the bottom panel. The following keys can be used while playing the game: (ESC) Quit game, return to main menu. (S) Turn on/off sound effects. (M) Turn on/off music. (P) Pause game. Press any key after pausing to resume game. Once you have run out of all your lives, the game will end. If you have recieved a High Score, you will be asked to enter your name, type in your name. You can view the High Scores from the main menu. ============================================================================= The Full Game Features: ============================================================================= * 90 Levels of play, divided into 9 sectors each containing 10 maps. Each sector comes with its own digital music, background graphics, and level of play. Level of play varies from the very easy to the virtually impossible. * Stunning Digital Music and Sound Effects. * Passwords at the end of each level. * Animated Demo Mode * Highscores Order the full game today ! Please read Order.txt for pricing. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------