Bj÷rk - The Ultimate Intimate Site Specials
Bj÷rk - was she ever on-line ?

Latest chat of Bj÷rk: CityInteractive Rumpus Room

Yes, she was, the correct date is 15th June 1996. On that day Bj÷rk attended a chat session at the Free Tibet Festival.
That was for allot of people on the net the opportunity to 'speak' with Bj÷rk in 'private', together with 90 other people.

It was very nice indeed, hopefully there will be more sessions like these in the future. So more people can enjoy this great experience on the net. Since that day I knew the net is something special.

For all this new people who haven't been there I have saved the log file of this chat session. I hope you enjoy reading it. Cause it's probably the most interactive interview ever given:

click on it, to read it !!!

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⌐1997 - Raimond van Raamsdonk

Last edited: 04-07-97 21:25:17