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Bj÷rk wins Nordic Council Music Award

Date: 22-11-96 23:33:47
Telegram out 25th November

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  • 22-11-96 - Bj÷rk to receive Nordic Council Music Award

    Internationally acclaimed Icelandic pop singer Bj÷rk Gudmundsd≤ttir is to receive the 1997 Nordic Council's Music Award.
    According to a statement issued late last night by the awards committee the accolade acknowledges Bj÷rk's development of her own style while staying true to her ideals. The judge's statement also says that she has developed her art over many years to maximum success while her popularity throughout the world is due to her huge musical talent. The award is worth DKR350,000 and will be presented to the singer on March 3 next year in Oslo, Norway.
    Source: Daily News From Iceland Web Site.