KIDS On The Moon : Wk.1: Survey

Howdy, and Welcome to the Moon Kids Employment Agency!

Please fill out the Survey below so you can be hired as a Specialist on our Moon colony! (You'll need to pretend we are living in the year 2010, and answer according to what you would like to become by the time you're 25-28 years old.) Good Luck, and may the Force of God be with you!

**Important information for Teachers**

Please compile your results and send a compiled list of #amounts for each category, according to the question numbers. It might be easier to print out a copy of the survey, copy and distribute it to your students, compile the results, and mail them to us using the mail link provided. If you need help, please write to us!

**Send your results to Sister Diane Mollica**
at with Moon.Survey in the subject line. Send all results on or before Jan.18,1996! (Results will be posted on or before Mon.,Jan.22, 1996)

Please see our Sample below. Your survey should look something like this:

#1.Immaculate Conception School
#2.Somerville, NJ,USA
#4. a=10 b=11 c=13 d=0 e=0 f=3
#5. a=3 b=4 c=2 d=4...etc.

Now it's YOUR turn.... Just copy and paste the survey below into your e-mail program...or copy and paste it into the mail link right on this page! Get going...You don't want to miss our blast off!

1.What's the name of your school?

2.In what city, state, country are you located?

3.What latitude and longitude is your school?

4.How old will you be in the year 2010?

a)25 b)26 c)27 d)28 e) other

5.Which career job do you wish to qualify for?
a)Oxygen Mining Plant & Mineral Resource Gatherer
b) Oxygen system &Thermal Air Conditioning & Heating
c) Work/Home Quarters Maintenance & Temperature & Humidity Control
d) Greenhouse Operator & Botanist & Zoologist (R&D plus Maintenance)
e) Microbiologist & Research Scientist & Chemist
f) Indoor Fishery & Environmentalist
g) Medical Doctor & Psychologist & Chaplain
h) Nurse & Space Suit Designer & Tailor (All protective shoes,clothes,etc.)
i) Supply, Delivery, and Recycling (e.g.Collect, reprocess, and redistributre)
j) Robot Manufacturer & Mechanical Engineer
k) Electrical Engineer & Solar Power & Energy Storage
l) Construction Engineers & Architect & Building Foreman
m) Shuttle pilot & Transportation vehicles mechanical engineer
o) Geologists for Oxides,hydrides, and other mineral resources (silicon or germanium for solar cells)etc.
p) Telecommunications & Computer Systems trouble-shooter and management
r)* On-Earth-Support-Team
s)Anything else you think is essential for a successful Lunar Colony

6. How many years of college will you have completed by 2010?

7. What field of expertise will you major/ graduate in?

8. Will you have a valid pilot's licence?

9. Do you have 20/20 vision without glasses? (Jet Pilots need this.Otherwise you might want another job.)

10. Do you have any handicaps/ special needs?
a)Claustraphobia b) fear of heights c) Other

11. How did you rate in the International physical fitness exam?
a) Excellent b) Very good c) Good d) Fair

12. Can you unconditionally accept all others and get along with them at work?

13. Are you lungs and heart and bones in excellent shape?
a) All 3 great b)Lungs fair b) Heart fair c) Bones fair (*Remember,we need an Earth-Support-Team!)

14.Do you excell in quick-thinking, alertness responses, etc.?
a)Yes b)No

15. * In 25 words or less, please state Your class's collaborated vision of how the living & working modules will be set up on our Lunar Colony.

Well, that's the end of the survey! We hope you enjoy envisioning your future role on our Kids On the Moon adventure! Goodbye, and send us your results soon please! Just send e-mail to:

Immaculate Conception School, Somerville, New Jersey, USA.