MidLink Magazine:

The Electronic Magazine for Kids in the Middle Grades

Welcome to MidLink Magazine , the electronic magazine for kids in the middle grades--generally ages 10 to 15. Browse through our interactive space to enjoy art and writing that will link middle school kids all over the world. MidLink will be published bi-monthly, and each issue will have a new and exciting theme. You can participate just by logging-in to these pages!

MidLink Magazine , founded September 19,1994, is a non-profit educational publication. This project is made possible by our SPONSORS.

In our first year on-line, we welcomed 25,206 visitors.
Since this academic year began on August 18, {not supported by your browser} MORE visitors have read MidLink Magazine!

Don't Miss These NEW Journals For All Ages

Electronic Elementary: The Electronic Journal for Elementary Kids
LinkUp: The Interactive Internet Journal for High School Students
**Coming Soon** Explor-A-Link: The Interactive Web Site of Exploris: The Children's Museum About the World

Special Honors for MidLink Magazine???

Quick Index to MidLink Magazine:

***Coming in December/January: Electronic Peace Cards!***

  • Announcing Our Fall Theme: People of Character
  • International Book Fair
  • The Virtual Haunted House **NEW**
  • Global Skylines NEW skylines: Sweden, Ohio, Belarus, Hawaii, North Carolina, and Japan!!
  • Desert and Desertification Project
  • Design an ALIEN! Do this for fun, or do it as a science project!
  • Set Sail With the MALCOLM BALDRIGE You got NEW Mail!
  • Environmental Issues: A Global Project from Hawaii
  • Surf the 'Net with Middle Schools around the world New!
  • Global Rivers Project
  • Currency Comparison/Conversion Project
  • Cool School Home Pages These middle schools are "Movers and Shakers".
  • Electronic Portfolios
  • Breath of Fresh Air
  • The "Write" Spot!
  • Best Web Sites Use these to Surf the 'Net!
  • Editorial Policy
  • ** Copyright Policy
  • How Can YOU Participate in Our Projects?
  • Student Editors
  • International Teacher Editors
  • Technical Advisors

    Announcing Our Fall Theme: People of Character

    Editors: Steven Tam and Kelly Parrish
    Most of us can think of people we admire because of their high moral character, their honesty, or trustworthiness. We ask you to share your heroes and heroines with MidLink readers. Your hero can be famous, or he might even live in your very own house! Write to us and tell us about the person you admire. We'll make your heroes famous by posting the letters right here! Wonder who kids admire in Japan? Australia? Sweden? Check here next month to read all about it.
    Read about the People of Character at Ligon Middle School. These Raleigh, North Carolina, kids wrote about some terrific role models.
    **New Mail** from YOU! See letters from our readers about People of Character in their neighborhoods.

    International Book Fair

    Editors: Jessica McLawhorn and Kate Caldwell
  • What should you read for that next book report? Here are some cool suggestions from kids all over the world. You can even enter your *own* book review here! Students at Vitebsk School 37 in Vitebsk, Belarus, started this project last year. They want to share their favorite books with you!

  • NEW!! Since this project began last spring, kids from all over the world have been joining the book fair. In this project, kids--and teachers, too!--tell you about their favorite books.

  • Some kids get all *wired up* about books! The NEW Book Raves by kids at Discovery Middle School will get you excited, too!

  • Don't miss the READER'S CORNER! This is another page full of book reviews written by kids like YOU. Read all about it!

    Want to know the *best* part? YOU can send in your own book reviews from the pages of MidLink! Watch this section as it...
    G R O W S!!

  • Global Skylines

    This page is from our *very* first issue on September 19, 1994, but it keeps growing. This month you can see the beautiful skyline of Grodno, Belarus! Other new skylines include Lysekil, Sweden, Hamilton, Ohio, Raleigh, NC, Honolulu, Hawaii and Tokyo, Japan!. Take a virtual tour of the homes of MidLink Magazine kids. Shouldn't *your* city's skyline be here?

    Environmental Issues

    If you would like to help preserve our environment, be sure to check out this project by kids at Punahou School in Honolulu, Hawaii. They are gathering data about environmental issues all over the world. It's easy to join this project by e-mail. We will post the results here. Help them preserve their island home and maybe *your* home, too!

    Surf the 'Net with MidLink Magazine

    More and more students are beginning to research, read, and write using the Internet, the World Wide Web. Armed with an electronic tool box of computer skills, classes all over the world are producing a variety of Electronic Portfolios. If you want to add your site to this growing list, just write to MidLink Magazine, and we will point to your handiwork. This is a great place to get ideas for your own Web projects.

    The Virtual Haunted House

    OK, kids...Get ready to click your way through our haunted hallways. Once again, middle school kids have created their own special version of the VIRTUAL HAUNTED HOUSE. **Warning** Don't go in alone! This place is too scary for words.

    Design an ALIEN!

    Join other kids at Highland Middle School in Libertyville, Illinois, as they design their own ALIENS! You can take this project any way you like. You might want to create an alien that could *really* survive on the planet of your choice. How would he look? Why? Hey, science and language arts teachers, this is a great interdisciplinary project! Check here next month to see all the creatures we create...and congratulations to Mark Mueller, Computer Teacher, for the terrific project idea.

    Desert and Desertification Project

    Students at the High School for Environmental Studies in Israel created this successful project last year. This is an official Kidlink Project and involves students all over the world. Teachers, David Lloyd and Hannah Sivan, invite you to join their study of the desert. Be sure to look at the results from last year and sign up for this year's project. We will point to the results in MidLink Magazine.

    Set Sail with the MALCOLM BALDRIGE

    Editors: Matt Vepraskas and Mac Young
    It's time to breathe some of that fresh salt air as we set sail aboard the NOAA's largest research vessel, the MALCOLM BALDRIGE! We will be following the adventures of this *real* ship on a *real* voyage around the world. Captain Craig Nelson and his crew will be studying problems that cause the greenhouse effect and climate changes that will affect all citizens of the earth. They are also looking for new species of fish. Where are they at this very moment??? If you have "Forms Support" on your Web Browser, you can even write to the captain and crew to ask about their progress. And get this: your message will be bounced off a satellite!

    You got *NEW* Mail!! And don't miss this "old" mail from last spring ==>>> Mail Call From the BALDRIGE! : Kids just like YOU have been wondering about what goes on out at sea. Has the crew seen any whales? Have they found any pollution? What kind of sea birds have they found? Read the answers to these questions and many more, and then write Captain Nelson some questions of your own. You could even make up your own project, and we'll post it here in MidLink Magazine!

    Read all about El Nino at this NOAA Web Site. You can even see where El Nino is at this very moment! There are maps, charts, realtime data, and much more here. Don't miss the fun at this site.

    Global Rivers Project

    Kathy Jo Mathison, teacher at First Colony Middle School in SugarLand, Texas, has a classroom full of students who want to know all about rivers in your home town. They have set up a beautiful data base of information about Texas rivers and other rivers...well, just about everywhere. Write to Kathy Jo to find out how you can join this project!

    Currency Comparison/Conversion Project

    Hey there, all you MATH lovers! Do you still do your currency conversion problems the old fashioned way? Well, check out this Australian project. They provide a real-time Currency Converter that tells you the value of your currency as compared to others in the world. While you're there, you can add your own data to their project. They want to know how much a hamburger and fries costs in your neighborhood.

    Cool-School Home Pages

    These schools not only contribute to MidLink Magazine, but they have also created their own terrific home pages. You'll enjoy your visit to each and every one. Find out what other middle schools are doing with their web sites. Join one of our projects, and we will add your school's home page to our growing list of excellent sites.

    Electronic Portfolios

    This page caused so much excitement last spring, we wanted to continue it this year. What happens when you put together kids, computers, the Internet, and a research assignment? Kids create Electronic Portfolios that may change the meaning of the word "report" forever! This page will be updated regularly as research is completed.
    **NOTE**If you are preparing your own portfolios, please share them with our readers.

    Take a Breath of Fresh Air with MidLink Magazine !

    Will there be any fresh air to breathe when we get to high school?? Kids in Pretoria, South Africa, want to find out! Help them out by filling out their Air Pollution Survey. Now take a d-e-e-e-e-e-p breath of that fresh air in your neighborhood and read all about it.

    For the last 2 months, kids all over the world have used MidLink's forms to enter data about fresh air in their neighborhoods. Come back next month to see the results. The South African kids who did this project won 1st prize at an EXPO! Way to go, kids!
    If you want to know more about environmental issues, check out the International Children's Conference on the Environment. You can even win a FREE TRIP TO ENGLAND!

    The "Write" Spot!

    This section contains fantastic stories written by kids just like YOU. You'll find science fiction stories and some terrific jokes in the LaughLink section. These are guaranteed to tickle your electronic funny bone. You can even submit your very own story right on the pages of MidLink Magazine!

    You won't want to miss the Interactive story of Litestar and his holographic adventures. You can add your own chapter to the story if you have "Forms Support". This fine project was started by kids at Welford and Wickham Primary School in Berkshire, England.

    Favorite Web Sites

    These are some of our favorite places to surf the net. Some are funny, some provide information, and some are just plain silly. We make no apologies...We just like 'em :-) [This is not an attempt at a comprehensive list. These were picked by kids!]

    Editorial Policy

    All issues of MidLink Magazine will remain up and running for one year. You can participate by using our forms or by sending us e-mail. If you want to see *your* school here, just write to Caroline McCullen, Editor at Ligon GT Magnet Middle School, 706 East Lenoir Street, Raleigh, North Carolina 27607.

    How can you join the fun?

    *Any* school is welcome to contribute to MidLink Magazine. There is no fee for joining this educational project. Yes, we accept submissions by "snail mail," as well as FTP. For details about how your school can participate, send e-mail to Caroline McCullen at: Caroline_McCullen@ncsu.edu.

    If you already have your own Home Page, it's even easier. First tell us about your project. It could be a something you already have underway. We will place a pointer to your site on our Home Page. Then schools all over the world can participate in a project that you helped create. This way we can all collaborate with you...er....electronically, of course!

    © Copyright Policy: Materials contained on these pages may not be duplicated without the expressed written permission of the author/teacher writers. Please see names and addresses of authors in each entry.

    MidLink Magazine Staff

    Student Editors

    MidLink Magazine is a cooperative project developed by middle school students from the global community with a *little* help from the following adults:

    Teacher Editors

    Technical Advisors

    Caroline McCullen, Ligon GT Magnet Middle School, Raleigh, North Carolina. Send questions or comments to Caroline_McCullen@ncsu.edu

    Last Revision: November, 1995