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* Stage Skip * To skip to the end of any stage, press START, A, B, B, A, A, B, B, A. You'll hear a chime and be sent to the end of the current stage. You can get thourgh the whole game this way.

* Invincibility & more * Go down to the options selection, and press A, C, A, C, A, C, A, C, B, B, B, B. If done right, it will show you a face and you'll hear a "yeah"; it will then take you to the cheat screen.


* Level Skip * Pause the game. Press A, B, B, A, A+C together, A+B together, A+B together, A+C together. It will then show you as completed the level and you'll go on to the next one.

* Power-Up * Pause the game. Enter A, B, B, B, C, A, C, C. If done correctly, you'll hear the word "cheater".

* Cheat Mode * Pause the game. Press A+Left together, then B, B, A, then A+Right together, then B, B, A and unpause.

* Extra Continue * Pause the game. Press A, Left+B, A, B, A, B, C, A. If done correctly, you'll hear the word "cheater".

* Extra Guy * Pause the game. Press Up+B, B, A, C, A, A, A, A. If done correctly, you'll hear the word "cheater".

* Another Extra Guy * Pause the game. Press B, B, C, C, A, A, A, A (limited to once per level)

* 9 Plasma Guns * Pause the game. Press down+C, A, B, C, A, B, A, C

* 100% health * Pause the game. Press A, C, C, A, B, B, A, C. If done correctly, you'll hear the word "cheater". This can only be used once per level.

* Warp to "What The Heck" * Pause the game. Press Left, Right, A, B, C, Left, Right, A


* Debug Mode * Pause the game on the first level, right when jumping over a ledge that has plants below (Mowgli can't make the jump and dies), which Mowgli is in the air. Press B, A, down, C, right, A, B, left, A, right, down, B, A, left, left, C, up, right, left (an easy way to remember is: BAD CRAB LARD BALL CURL). It will then take you to the debug screen.

* Level Skip * Pause the game, then press: B,A,A,B, B,A,A,B, A,B,B,A, A,B,B,A

* Force Clock to 10 Seconds * Pause the game, then press: A,B,B,A, A,B,B,A


* Level Select & Invincibility * At the options screen, press Right, A, A, B, then start. This will bring up two prompts, one for invincibility, one for level select.


* Enable Cheating * Go to the "options" screen and leave Spidey next to the word "Level". Press and hold the START button on controller two, then press and hold the A, B, and C buttons on controller one. While holding those buttons down, point the control pad of controller one up and then diagonally to the upper right position. If you've done the trick correctly, the difficulty level should have three exclamation points (!!!) next to it. During the game, you can pause and press A to refill your web-shooter, B to refill your life meter, and C for five seconds of invincibility, and all three buttons to warp to the next level.


* Level Select and Invincibility * At the title screen, hold down A, B, C on BOTH controllers, and press START on controller 1. A chime will sound. Start the game, and then hit START to pause. Press A to refill your health meter. Press B to become invincible to enemies (falls and spikes can still kill you). Press C, and three numbers will appear, the top two being the X- and Y- coordinates, and the bottom one being the level number. Move left and right to change the number and hit start to start the game at that level.


* Stage Select * At the Konami logo press C,B,B,A,A,A,B,C. Then at the title screen press A,B,B,C,C,C,B,A. Start the game and a stage select screen will appear.

TINY TOON ADVENTURES: Buster's Hidden Treasure

* Three Secret Rounds * There are three circular rainbow symbols that will let you play three bonus rounds if you find them. In stage 1, play the area in the lower-right corner of the map, directly below the red "boss" area. When you find Gogo Dodo at the far right side of the area, drop to the ground and go right past the rats to find the rainbow symbol. In stage 2, play the area that has the word "TINY" spelled out with carrots. Go past TINY and walk right to the edge of the cliff (with the can in the ground). Drop off the cliff and steer left to land in a hidden tunnel. Walk left and grab the 1-Up and Bell, then walk left again and drop onto the rainbow symbol. In stage 3, play the area that has the waterfall that splits and flows left and right. Play through the area until you walk onto a ledge that starts moving upward. Jump off the ledge before you're smashed into the ceiling. Follow the tunnel to the left until you reach gray platforms. Drop down the platforms to a half-pipe with a rolling boulder. Walk left and jump into the wall on the left side of the half-pipe to enter a hidden tunnel. The rainbow symbol is at the end of the tunnel.


* Level 0 * You start the game on level one, which appears to consist solely of two islands in the water. However, if you jet ski, fly, or ride an inner tube to the lower left part of level one, you will find another island with a hole in it. Fall down the hole to level zero, where you can be healed (in the hot tub) and receive an extra life (by drinking lemonade). When you leave level 0, you will return to the highest level you have visited.

* Secret Island on Level 1 * In addition to the island with the hole described above, there is another island on the upper right of the level that has many presents on it.

* Presents From Santa * You can get 2-3 presents from Santa if you sneak up on him while he's rummaging through his bag, and stand still when he looks up. Do this until you touch him and he drops some presents when he leaves.


* Level Select and More * You must disconnect controller 2 before you turn the power on. Then, at the title screen, hold (on controller 1) Down, A, and C and hit Start. When Magneto's face is on the screen, disconnect controller 1, plug in controller 2, and hit Start. Finally, disonnect controller 2, plug in controller 1, and press Start to choose a difficulty level and complete the code. Choose a character and walk to the right when the game begins. If everything has gone correctly, you'll see eight panels on the wall representing the eight stages. Crouch down in front of one of the panels and press C to warp to that stage. This code will also allow you to fill your ability meters by pausing and to summon Rogue, Archangel, Iceman, and Storm as many times as you wish.

* Extra Time in Danger Room * After any level, go in the danger room and take your mutant to the highest platform on the right (it has yellow and black stripes). Go to the right edge, jump to the right, and attack until the box camera explodes. This gives you more time to punch orbs or just practice.

* Gambit Level Skip * You can use this only with Gambit. First go to the Control Room in the upper-left corner of the Danger Room. Jump in and hold down the A button as soon as Gambit freezes and the screen starts to fade. You appear in level 1, but you are immediately zapped back to the Danger Room - mission completed! This trick works only in the first two levels and Zaladane.

X-MEN II: Clone Wars

* Level Skip/Character Change * Pause the game. Press Left+C, Up, Up, Left, Down, Down, Right, C. If done correctly, you will hear a laser blast. Unpause the game, then pause it again. Use Right+C to skip the level, and use Left+C to change characters.

* Invincibility * Pause the game. Press Up+B, Up, Right, Down, Up, Right, Down, Down, Up, B. If done right, you'll hear a crashing sound. Unpause the game, then pause it again and press Up+B to activate the cheat. Note that this cheat DOES NOT LAST THE ENTIRE GAME! So watch your health, if you start becoming depleted, pause and press Up+B to reactivate it.

* Full Power Meter (Nightcrawler) * Press and hold A until Nightcrawler's power meter is full. Pause the game, release A, and unpause. His power meter will now be full until you teleport.

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