The Canadian Book Fair

The Secret of NIMH

Moving day is coming up! All the creatures in the field must move before the tractor plows the field. Unfortunately, Mrs. Frisby's son Timothy has pneumonia and has to stay in bed for a while. Mrs. Frisby turns to the Rats of NIMH for help. Can the Rats of NIMH help before it's too late? Read this book or you'll NEVER know! I give it three stars!

Richard Pettypiece
Grade 5
Jeanne Sauve French Immersion School
London, Ontario, Canada

Mine for Keeps

Will Sally be all right? Sally Copeland has been living at Allendale School for Handicapped Children for over five years. Now she's finally coming home to stay. Her family has moved to a new house; she now has to attend regular classes at a public school, and make new friends. Sal feels scared and lost. When she finally starts school, the children ignore her. Will she be able to handle her new classes, fit in, and make new friends? To find out the answers read Mine for Keeps.

Stephanie Vinh
Grade 6
Jeanne Sauve French Immersion School
London, Ontario, Canada

The Indian in the Cupboard

The Indian in the Cupboard is the first of five in the Indian in the Cupboard series. This book is classified as fiction.

Omri, the main character in this story, gets an old medicine cupboard for his birthday. When he puts his plastic Indian figure into the cupboard, all the contents come alive. The four people that Omri brings to life are the Indian -- Little Bear, the cowboy -- Boone, the doctor -- Tommy, and Little Bear's wife -- Bright Stars. The best part of the story is when Boone gets hurt and Omni and Patrick can't find the key to bring Tommy to life. To find out what happens, you should read this book. The story has plenty of humour and excitement.

Corey Webb
Grade 6
Jeanne Sauve French Immersion School
London, Ontario, Canada

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Kate Caldwell
Ligon GT Middle School, 706 East Lenoir St.
Raleigh, North Carolina, 27615