11000 BC 2000 Before 10000 BC


From about 50,000 bc people were spreading through all continents with a variety of tools &em; knives, axes, scrapers, harpoons, needles


Cave drawings in Australia from about 20,000 BC


Engravings in south-west Africa from about 27,000 BC


Cave paintings from 30,000 BC

Female figurines of Great Goddess made across continent


Cave dwellings

10000 BC - 9000 BC


Earliest pottery in Japan, flourishing coastal culture based on fishing


Sledges and canoes used


Wild wheat gathered in Palestine

Domestication of dogs (wolves)


Cave paintings

Bow invented

Sledges and canoes used


Evidence of canoes for fishing and early trading

9000 - 8000 BC



Rock paintings in Sahara

Farming of cereals

Domestication of sheep and goats

Site of Jericho occupied

Pottery made in Syria

Wheat and barley ground on querns



8000 - 7000 BC

Rice farming in Thailand


Farming skills spread through Middle East



7000 - 6000 BC

Rice and millet farming spreads


Farming settlements in New Guinea

Wheel invented

Pottery and textiles used in Anatolia (Turkey)

Cattle domesticated

Jericho and ¸Catal H¨uy¨uk walled towns

Farming in Balkans and Greece

Domesticated sheep and goats

Cattle and pigs domesticated


6000 - 5000 BC

Farming in China and India

Pottery made in China


Farming settlements in Mesopotamia

Copper used

Copper and gold worked

Farming and fishing

5000 - 4000 BC

Farming spreads in Huang He (Yellow River) valley, China

Wheat, barley, rice cultivated

Horses domesticated on steppes

Maize cultivated in Mexico


Sails used on Nile

Plough invented

Bronze worked and cast

Vines and olives cultivated

Megalithic tombs and standing stones

Flint mines

Horse domesticated in Ukraine

Early megalithic stones and tombs

Stone circles on uplands

Farming spreads to uplands

4000 - 3000 BC

Ploughs used in China

Bronze worked in China and Thailand

Decorated pottery made in Japan

Jade worked in China

Pottery made in Guyana and Ecuador

Llamas domesticated in Andes

Hieroglyphs in Egypt

Farming in central Africa

Cuneiform writing in Sumeria

Cities in Sumeria

Wheeled vehicles

Pottery in Sudan and East Africa

Farming along Danube

Copper working spreads

Ploughs drawn by animals

Wheeled vehicles

Vines and olives cultivated around Mediterranean

Farming spreads

Circles built at Avebury

First circle made of wood at Stonehenge

3000 - 2000 BC

Silk weaving in China

Cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-daro in Indus valley (now Pakistan)

Cotton grown in Indus valley

Ceremonial centres built in Peru

Melanesian islands settled

Egyptian Old Kingdom ruled by Pharaohs

Pyramids built

Sumerian civilization

Cities in Iran

Troy founded

Sails used on Aegean Sea

Bronze worked in Crete

Megalithic tombs spread

Ox-drawn wagons and ploughs

Megalithic burial mounds and stone circles

First stone circles built at Stonehenge

Bronze worked

2000 - 1000 BC

Xia dynasty

Shang dynasty

Cities in China

Aryans invade north India

Hindu religion develops

Rice cultivated in Korea

Metal working and cotton weaving in Peru

Olmec culture in central America

Burial mounds in Mississippi valley

Middle and New Kingdoms in Egypt

Hittite empire

Hammurabi king of Babylon

Jewish religion develops

Exodus of Jews from Egypt

Minoan civilization on Crete

Mycenean civilization in Greece

Bronze begins to give way to iron

Stonehenge rebuilt

Farms on uplands abandoned

//NB change of scale to blocks of 200 years 1000 BC - 800 BC

Zhou dynasty in China

Mahabharata composed in India

Chav´in village culture in Peru

Pottery and cotton made

Settlements in Polynesia

Kingdom of Kush in Africa

Assyrian empire

Phoenician alphabet

Kingdom of Israel

Carthage founded

Celtic tribes migrate to Germany and France

Etruscans settle in north Italy

Ox-drawn plough used

Bronze worked

800 BC - 600 BC

Taoism founded in China

Zhou dynasty establishes legal system

Olmec civilization in Mexico

First coins in Lydia (Turkey)

Babylonian empire of Nebuchadnezzar

Assyrians conquer Israel

Zoroastrian religion in Iran

Greek alphabet develops

Homer's poems composed

Rome founded

Celtic tribes invade and settle

Iron worked

600 BC - 400 BC

Iron working in China

Kongzi (Confucius) lived

Gautama Buddha lived

Hieroglyphic system of writing develops in Mexico

Persian empire ruled by Cyrus, Darius and Xerxes

Persians conquer Egypt

Old Testament of Bible completed

Jews exiled to Babylon

Greek city states

Athens defeats Persians

Pericles lived

Socrates lived

Parthenon and other temples

Roman republic founded

Hillforts built

400 BC - 200 BC

Zhou dynasty ends

Qin dynasty

Great Wall of China

Alexander the Great of Macedon invades India

Ashoka, emperor of India

Early Maya culture in Guatemala

Olmec civilization ends

Nok culture in Africa

Carthage powerful

Persian empire conquered by Alexander the Great

Egypt ruled by Ptolemy dynasty

Philip of Macedon conquers Greece

Alexander the Great rules Greece and conquers Persians

Plato lived

Romans conquer Etruscans, rule all Italy and conquer Spain

Trade increases with continent of Europe

200 BC - 1 BC

Han dynasty

Roman envoys to China

Buddhism spreads to south-east Asia and China

Foundation of Teotihuac´an in Mexico

Carthage destroyed and Syria, Palestine, Egypt conquered by Roman armies

Jesus born

Greece ruled by Romans

Romans conquer Gaul

Civil war between Roman rivals

Augustus first Roman emperor

Belgae settle in south

Romans invade

1 AD - 200 AD

Han dynasty in China

Paper invented in China Magnetic compass used

Emperors in Japan

Pyramids, palaces, temples built in Peru

Iron working in Zambia

Jesus crucified

St Paul's missions

New Testament written

Jews expelled from Jerusalem

Roman empire most powerful

Emperors Trajan and Hadrian

Christianity spreads

Romans conquer Britain

200 AD - 400 AD

Gupta empire, India

Great Wall of China built

Maya civilization in central America

Ethiopians become Christians

Text of Bible agreed

Byzantium becomes capital of Roman empire

Franks, Huns, Goths, Vandal tribes attack Roman empire

Villas built

Saxon raids begin

Christian missionaries in Britain

400 AD - 600 AD

Sui dynasty, China

Horse collar harness used

Mathematics develops in India

Teotihuac´an temples in Mexico

Complex cities and temples built in Mexico

Sassanid empire in Persia

Byzantine empire powerful

Roman empire in west collapses

Dark Ages

Romans leave

Angles, Saxons, Jutes settle England

Celts retreat to Wales and Cornwall

Irish missions to Scotland

600 AD - 800 AD

Tang dynasty, China

Block printing invented in China

Kyoto capital of Japan

Maya astronomical congress

Muhammad founds Islam

Text of Koran established

Muslims conquer north Africa

Umayyad caliphs rule from Damascus

Arabs develop algebra

Spain conquered by Muslims

Charles Martel defeats Muslims near Poitiers, France

Vikings raid and trade in France, Russia and Mediterranean

Angle and Saxon kingdoms

Christianity spreads

Christians accept authority of Roman Church

800 AD - 1000 AD

Song dynasty, China

Gunpowder invented in China

Khmer empire in south-east Asia

Fujiwara family dominates Japan

Burma unified

Vikings sail to North America

Toltec civilization in northern Mexico

Bantu tribes move into south Africa

Muslim religion spreads

Abbasid caliphs rule from Baghdad

Vikings settle Normandy, France

Charlemagne emperor

Magyars settle Hungary

Bulgars and Russians become Christian

Kingdom of Poland established

Vikings raid and settle Danelaw

Alfred defeats Danes

England unites into one kingdom

//NB change of scale to 1 block = 100 years 1000 - 1100 AD

Song dynasty

Movable type printing

Muslim conquests in north India

Polynesian Maori settle in New Zealand

Chim´u civilization in Peru

Zimbabwe kingdom

Kingdom of Ghana, West Africa

Turks invade Byzantine empire and occupy Palestine

Normans rule Sicily and south Italy

Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches split 1054

First universities

First crusade

Norman conquest 1066

Domesday Book

1100 - 1200 AD

Song dynasty

Khmer empire powerful in south-east Asia

Many kingdoms in India

Inca empire develops

Aztecs move into Mexico

Turks conquer Egypt

Turks attacked by Christian crusaders

Romanesque architecture

Cistercian monasteries

Crusades establish Christian state in Palestine

Henry II rules Angevin empire in France

Norman (Romanesque) architecture

1200 - 1300 AD

Genghis Khan extends Mongol empire

Kublai Khan conquers China, Burma, Korea, founds Yuan dynasty

Marco Polo in China

Easter Island statues

Aztec empire develops in Mexico

Empire of Mali, West Africa

Mongols attack Baghdad

Turks defeat crusaders and rule Palestine

Gothic architecture

Franciscan and Dominican friars founded

Golden Horde of Mongols conquer Russia

French kingdom expands

Christians defeat Muslim states in Spain

Edward I conquers Wales, builds castles

Early English (Gothic) architecture

1300 - 1400 AD

Ming dynasty in China

Tamerlane extends Mongol empire in central Asia

Muslim sultans rule north India

Black Death

Aztec empire powerful

Empires of Benin and Mali in West Africa powerful

Ottoman Turks conquer Anatolia and the Balkans

Black Death

Black Death

Hundred Years War

Venice, Florence, Genoa powerful city states

Scots defeat English at Bannockburn 1314

Black Death

Peasants' Revolt 1381

Decorated (Gothic) architecture


1400 - 1500 AD

Ming dynasty

Mongols defeated by Ivan III of Russia

Vasco da Gama to India

Inca empire powerful

Cabot in Newfoundland

Columbus in Caribbean

Songhai empire in West Africa

Portuguese explore coast of Africa

Ottoman Turks capture Constantinople 1453

Printed books made

Renaissance in Italy

Muslims driven from southern Spain

Russians drive out Mongols

Wars of Roses

Perpendicular (Gothic) architecture

1500 - 1600 AD

Ming dynasty ends

Babur founds Mughal empire, north India

Sikh religion founded

Aztec and Inca empires conquered by Spaniards

Spanish capture Caribbean islands and establish colonies

Magellan's fleet sails round world

Slave trade from West Africa to Caribbean and America begins

Suleiman the Magnificent rules Ottoman empire


Protestants break from Catholic Church

Wars of Religion

Ivan the Terrible rules Russia

Tudors fight Irish kings

Protestant Church of England founded


1600 - 1700 AD

Qing (Manchu) dynasty in China

Dutch found empire in East Indies

Taj Mahal built

Europeans found colonies in north America

Slavery grows in America

Slave trade expands

Dutch settlers (Boers) in South Africa

Dutch fight Spaniards and gain independence

French power grows under Louis XIV

Spanish power declines

English colonists to North America and Caribbean

Civil War

Ireland conquered

St Paul's Cathedral built

1700 - 1800 AD

Qing (Manchu) dynasty

Chinese export porcelain, silk and tea to Europe

Dutch trade increases

British fight French for control of India

British defeat French in Canada

American Revolution and Declaration of Independence

Cook explores coasts of Australia and New Zealand

Australia settled by convicts

Asante kingdom in West Africa

Slave trade continues

Russian power grows under Peter the Great and Catherine the Great

Poland partitioned

French Revolution 1789

Union of England and Scotland 1707

Agricultural and Industrial revolutions

Parliament's power grows

Canals constructed

1800 - 1900 AD

Opium war

USA forces trade with Japan

Britain founds Singapore and takes Hong Kong

India part of British empire

Independence movement starts in India

Spanish and Portuguese colonies independent

USA expands by Louisiana Purchase and Mexican wars

Civil War

Slavery ends

Australia and New Zealand settled

Europeans explore and colonize Africa

Slave trade abolished

Boers fight British in South Africa

Ottoman empire declines

Napoleonic wars

Russian empire expands

Crimean War

Italian unification

German unification

Industrialization and growth of railways

Emigration to USA and colonies

Industrialization and growth of cities

Empire powerful

House of Commons' power grows

Crimean War

1900 AD - Today

China becomes republic 1911, communist 1949

Japan defeats Russia 1905

Rise and fall of Japanese empire

India becomes independent 1947

Vietnam War

USA becomes world power

Technological revolution in industry, transport and communications

Civil rights and black power movements

Caribbean countries independent

African states gain independence

South African policy of apartheid

Ottoman empire ends

Turkey and Arab states independent

Israel founded

World War I 1914&en;1918

Russian revolution 1917

USSR 1922&en;1991

World War II 1939&en;1945

Communist domination of eastern Europe 1945&en;1989

European Community

World War I

World War II

Colonies become independent members of Commonwealth

Welfare State developed

Industrial power declines

Joins European Community