Code Samples -- VBScript

Example #1 - Retrieve Data
<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Dim oConn, oCommand
Dim sResult, sSQL
Dim bError
Dim i

On Error Goto 0

Sub ProcessErr
  If Err.number <> 0 Then
    bError = true
    sResult = ""
    If oConn.ErrorCode <> 0 Then
      sResult = "OpenX2 Connection Error: " & oConn.ErrorInfo & ". Error #" & oConn.ErrorCode & " (" & oConn.ErrorCodeEx & ")<br />"
      If oCommand.ErrorCode <> 0 Then
        sResult = "OpenX2 Command Error: " & oCommand.ErrorInfo & ". Error #" & oCommand.ErrorCode & " (" & oCommand.ErrorCodeEx & ")<br />"
      End If
    End If
    If sResult = "" Then
      Rem you may reRaise the Error here if you want to allow IIS process rest of errors
      sResult = "ASP Error: #" & CStr(Err.Number) & ". " & Err.description & "<br />"
    End If
  End If
End Sub

Sub ProcessQuery

  Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("OpenX2.Connection")
  Set oCommand = Nothing
  sResult = ""
  bError = false
  sSQL = "SELECT * FROM authors"
  Set oCommand = oConn.CreateCommand( sSQL, true )
  sResult = sResult & "<table border=1><tr>"
  For i = 1 To oCommand.FieldCount
    sResult = sResult & "<td><b>" & oCommand.FieldName(i) & "</b></td>"
  sResult = sResult & "</tr>"
  While oCommand.MoveNext
    sResult = sResult & "<tr>"
    For i = 1 To oCommand.FieldCount
      sResult = sResult & "<td>" & oCommand.FieldValueAsString(i) & "</td>"
    sResult = sResult & "</tr>"
  sResult = sResult & "</table>"

End Sub

REM // Main Processing
On Error Resume Next

  <head><title>OpenX2 Test #1 - 'Select * from table'</title></head>