Syntax conventions
The following conventions are used for syntax diagrams in this manual:

Syntax Convention
Keywords SELECT SQL keywords are shown in uppercase.
Placeholders name Items that the user must replace with appropriate identifiers or expressions are shown in italics.
Options | Options are separated by vertical bars. Any one of the items is allowed.
Continuation ... Lines beginning with ... are a continuation of the statements from the previous line.
Lists ",..." Lists are shown with a list element followed by ",...". This means that one or more list elements are allowed and if more than one is specified, they must be separated by commas.
Optional portions [ ] Optional portions of a statement are enclosed by square brackets. For example, [ ASC | DESC ] indicates that ASC or DESC are optional. The square bracket should not be typed.
Alternatives { } When one of the options must be chosen, the alternatives are enclosed in curly braces. For example [ QUOTES { ON | OFF } ] indicates that if the QUOTES option is chosen, one of ON or OFF must be provided. The braces should not be typed.