
Error Codes
Error Number
Error Location
Error Number
Error Location
1Connect() 1AFieldValueAsShort
2Disconnect() 1BFieldValueAsDate
3Commit() 1CFieldValueAsString
4Disconnect() 1DFieldValueAsDouble
5autoCommit 1EFieldValueAsBinary
6isolationLevel 1FIsFieldRequired
7SQLText 20FieldPos
8Execute() 21ParamValueAsLong (r)
9FieldCount 22ParamValueAsLong (s)
AFetch 23ParamValueAsShort (r)
BFetchParamsNext 24ParamValueAsShort (s)
CField 25ParamValueAsDate (r)
DFieldType 26ParamValueAsDate (s)
EFieldName 27ParamValueAsString (r)
FParamCount 28ParamValueAsString (s)
10ParamValue (r) 29ParamValueAsDouble (r)
11ParamValue (s) 2AParamValueAsDouble (s)
12Requery 2BParamValueAsBinary (r)
13IsEmpty 2CParamValueAsBinary (s)
14Close 2DParamType (r)
15FetchedCount 2EParamType (s)
16RowsCount 2FParamDirection (r)
17Prepare 30ParamDirection (s)
18Cancel 31isFieldNull
r -- on retrieving. s -- on setting

Profile Errors
11Couldn't open the profile recordWindows Registry error or Profile doesn't exist
12Couldn't open the profile recordClient API info is not set in profile
13Couldn't open the profile recordDB Connection string is not set in profile
14Couldn't open the profile recordLogin is not set in profile
15Couldn't open the profile recordPassword is not set in profile