XTG Grid: General description

XTG Grid is a component of XTG graphic library.
It is skilful table (grid) control, that is able to
- select single or multiple rows and columns
- scroll vertically and horizontally
- perform searching by various operators (Like, =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, is null, ...)
- perform sorting (asc, desc)
- define colors of lines, columns, cells
- count best width of colums (minimum width when entire strings are displayed)
- export rows/columns to CSV, HTML, ...
- display AutoForm
- ...

Keyboard control
Up/Down Arrow Move selection up/down
Shift + Up/Down Select multiple rows (if multiselection is enabled)
Ctrl + Up/Down Scroll vertically without changing selection
Left/Right Select column (if column selection is enabled)
Ctrl + Left/Right Scroll horizontally
PageUp/PageDown Move selection
Home/End Select the first/last row
Shift + PageUp/PageDown Select multiple rows (if multiselection is enabled)
Shift + Home/End Select multiple rows (if multiselection is enabled)
Ctrl + C Copy selected rows to clipboard in CSV format
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy selected rows to clipboard in fixed length format
Ctrl + E Export from XTG Grid
Ctrl + F Display AutoForm
Bksp Clears one character from searching condition
Ctrl + Bksp Clears searching condition on one column
Ctrl + Shift + Bksp Clears searching condition on all columns (displays all rows)

Mouse control
Left click on row Select row
Ctrl + click Switch select/unselect one row
Shift + click Select all rows between last and actual position
Double-click on row Application defined action
Double-click on column title Sort asc/desc (if column is defined as "sortable by double-click")
Right click on searching line Searching context menu
Left click on column title Select column (if column selection is enabled)
Ctrl + Left click on column title Select/unselect column

More info about Searching

More info about Sorting