DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY THIS SOFTWARE IS SOLD "AS IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTIES AS TO PERFORMANCE OF MERCHANTABILITY OR ANY OTHER WARRANTIES WHETHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. BECAUSE OF THE VARIOUS HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS INTO WHICH THIS PROGRAM MAY BE PUT, NO WARRANTY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE IS OFFERED. GOOD DATA PROCESSING PROCEDURE DICTATES THAT ANY PROGRAM BE THOROUGHLY TESTED WITH NON-CRITICAL DATA BEFORE RELYING ON IT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE PROGRAM. ANY LIABILITY OF THE SELLER WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF PURCHASE PRICE Create-a-Theme 98 Shareware ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Released on the 15th of April, 1998 Create-a-Theme 98 - Windows 95 Desktop Theme Development and Editing. Thank you for downloading Create-a-Theme 98. This is a shareware program, and is yours to evaluate for 30 days, after which time you must either register, or delete the program from your computer. Feel free to give this shareware program to any people you feel may like it. You are not allowed to distribute any themes that you create with the shareware version of Create-a-Theme 98. You must first register this version, and you will then be able to distribute all of your themes. ============ INSTALLATION ============ To Install Create-a-Theme 98, run the Setup program. Make sure that you close any programs that you may have running before you run setup. You are then ready to run Create-a-Theme 98. If you get any error messages while running Setup about a missing DLL, then you will need to visit the Create-a-Theme 98 Website at http://www.goulburn.net.au/~wlawson/Create-a-Theme/ and download the missing files. =================== RUNNING THE PROGRAM =================== Go to the directory that you installed the program. If you don't know where you installed the program, look in C:\Program Files\Create-a-Theme 98\ (this is the default directory) Double click on the Create-a-Theme 98.exe file, and the program will run. For any help while running the program, press F1 To register Create-a-Theme 98, read and print out Order.txt, and send it along with your payment to the address shown. The cost is only US$20 or Australian$30 - a small price to pay for all the fun and enjoyment that you will get from this program. Or, run Register.exe, which is a program that was included with Create-a-Theme 98. ============== AUTHOR ============== Name: Tim Lawson Address: 68 Mundy Street Goulburn, NSW 2580 Australia Email: tim@goulburn.net.au Homepage: http://www.goulburn.net.au/~wlawson/Create-a-Theme/