SlideSave Screen Saver Version 1.0 - 1997 Philippe Lesire 1 - Description SlideSave is a Win32 screen saver. It was designed to run on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 or higher. Its goal is to display pictures located in a folder like a slideshow. 2 - Installation Copy the SlideSave.scr file into your Windows folder. On Windows NT, the file may also be copied in the system32 folder. Open the Display Properties, for example by right clicking on the desktop, and select the Screen Saver tab. SlideSave appears in the list with other screen savers. Select it to activate it. There is an Install action in the right mouse button menu for screen savers, but it will not work with SlideSave. If anybody knows what is missing, please let me know. 3 - Configuration Open the Display Properties and select the Screen Saver tab. Click on the Properties button. First, indicate in the Folder field which folder contains the set of pictures you want to display. If you wish pictures to be displayed using the maximum screen area, activate the Stretch Picture To Maximum Size option. Otherwise, they will keep their original size. If you wish pictures to appear in a random order, select the Use Random Order option. If you activate the Display Associated Text File Whenever Possible option, SlideSave will display more informations on images. If a file exists with the same name as the image and a .txt extension, SlideSave will display its contents along with the image. You may also change the number of seconds each picture stays on screen. 4 - Features - Current version of SlideSave will display bmp and jpeg files. Bitmap files may be Windows RGB encoded, RLE encoded, or use OS/2 format. Bitmaps may use a 16 or 256 colormap, or use 16bit or 24bit true color. - JFIF compliant Jpeg files are supported, either with 24bit true color, or grayscale. 5 - Limitations - Pictures with more than 16 colors will display incorrectly in a 16 color screen configuration. - Bitmap files with more than 256 colors will display incorrectly in a 256 color screen configuration. Jpeg files are correctly dithered. - This program will not work on Windows 3.1 or Windows NT 3.51 6 - Acknowlegements and Legal Stuff - This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. It uses the IJG Jpeg support library. - The Independent JPEG Group accepts no liability for damages of any kind. - This program may be copied, used and distributed freely for any purpose. - The author is not responsible for any damage this program might cause. 7 - The Author If you have any comments, feel free to send them to This program was developped using Microsoft Visual C++ 4.2 It is based on the MFC example called Saver. Source code is freely available to those who ask for it nicely.