!Use Word Wrap! Tanks - WWII ver 1.0 Created by: Judd Yancey E-mail: yanceyj@wwics.com Homepage: http://www.wwics.com/~yanceyj Released: 19 April 1998 This theme is freeware. It is not to be bought or sold in whole or in part. This .txt file is the same as the .doc file (just not as cool lookin'). Installation: 1. Extract all theme files (those not "zipped" or with the .sys extention) into the themes directory of Plus!. Or create a file there named "Tanks". 2. Run Plus! and pick Tanks-WWII.theme with the "cool cursors" (or Tanks-WWII2 with practical cursors). 3. Click Apply. (The theme is activated) Now for the rest...... 4. Extract the zipped files (screensaver and camofolders) to a temp directory and read the .txt files within for installation. 5. To change the start up and shut down screens: a. On your hard drive (usually C:) there is a file (logo.sys). If you like the default clouds and color band move it to a different file for now. b. Rename Tanks logo.sys to just logo.sys and put it in your hard drive directory (C:) c. Your done! All you have to do is restart windows and you'll have a Tanks-WWII startup screen. d. Repeat the process with logos.sys and logow.sys EXCEPT!! those files are in the windows directory NOT the hard drive directory. Again you may want to save those original files somewhere else. e. To restore your original screens reverse the process. f. Or get XRX Logo and disregard all previous steps! 6. To use the screen saver: extract the zip file "Tanksss.zip", open it, and see the Slide_readme.txt for instructions. 7. You'll notice that there are two wallpaper sizes. There are several ways to change back and forth. Basicly you just open the "Tanks-WWII .the" file with a text editor and change the name of the .jpg shown to the name of the other one I provided. Save. Exit and reload the theme. (OR go into dos and get to the directory of the theme file and type: edit tanks-1~.the and follow the the same procedure - change the file name of the .jpg.) Notes: This is the second theme I’ve made. My first was B-17 Bomber.(Not to be confused with Boeing B17 which came out about the same time.) If you like this theme, you’ll probably like my first one as well. The sound files are from old WWII movies like Kelly's Hero's and Battle of the Buldge. I hope the open/close program sound isn't annoying but if so, just go into your sound setup in control panel and replace or remove the sound. Personally I like it. (But then again I've spent days on end on tank firing ranges with a constant Boom......Boom.....you get the idea.) The wallpaper pic portrays the battle of Kursk. (What better background for this theme than the biggest tank battle in history! In one particular engagement each side lost around 300 tanks and were fighting at point blank range. They even collided with each other!) I added Camouflage Folders to this theme. (as I did in the B-17 one) It Changes the default yellow windows folders to military style folders. (Sorry, Requires Microangelo software. See readme.txt in that .zip file for instructions.) Most people will probably pitch ‘em which is a shame since they really complete this theme. I also made two theme files. The first has some cool lookin’ cursors and the second has some normal lookin’ ones. The reason is, on most themes I download, I really like the different cursors but they suck when it comes to actually using them on a daily basis. I highly recomend using the first theme - at least for awhile. I changed almost every cursor. If you think this theme is worth a damn, please let me know. (For the record, I was a tanker for several years and crewed on M48’s, M60’s and briefly on the M1 series. Concerning the patch on the logow.sys screen - No I wasn't in the 2nd Armor Division but it was a distingushed armor unit in WWII much like the 1st Infantry Division was to infantry. ...plus the motto is cool!) Dedication: This theme is dedicated to tankers of all nationalities, past and present. I’d also like to dedicate this theme to my wife, Jody, who continues to remind me that I have a life outside of this chair in front of my computer. (I keep forgetting!!!) ENJOY!!