(Turn on Word Wrap now. It's under "Edit" in Notepad.) Sweet Betty Boop Theme for the Windows95 Plus! pack Created by J.B. Roth roth@pegasus.montclair.edu web page: http://www.csam.montclair.edu/~roth/ Feel free to distribute this to any of your Boop-loving friends, but please: 1: Don't change any of the files, unless you create something really cool, in which case I'd really appreciate it if you send it to me. :-) 2: Please, really please, don't sell this Theme or charge any fee to download it. I got most of this stuff free off the 'Net, and it wouldn't be right, you know... 3: I had difficulty finding very many Betty sounds or icons or cursors on the 'Net. If you have any, please send me what you have, and I'll make a Version 2. If you have any suggestions, improvements or ideas that you would like to see but don't have the time or software to make, feel free to e-mail me and I'll see what I can do... -------------------------------------------------------- Installation To install: If your using Winzip, this file should unzip into a folder called "unzipped". If you want to skip a step or two, go to your Themes directory and create a new folder called Tropical traci and unzipp this file into it. Open the file, find the Sweet Betty Boop.Theme file, drop it into the Themes folder, and select it in the Themes control panel. That should do it! *Note: You need Microsoft Plus! for Windows 95 and Winzip in order to properly install this Theme. You must use Winzip to preserve the long filenames when you unzip the archive. If you don't have Plus I recommend that you give a shareware program called Desktop Themes a try. For your convenience, you can download it at: ftp://ftp.novia.net/customers/macc/desktopt.zip The file is about 100kb, so it shouldn't take too long. Thanks to everyone who created the sounds, icons and cursors. May the Internet stay forever free! JB