Crash:Barrier 1.0 Vendor Information -------------------- -------------------- The following information is for web sites, shareware distributors, disk vendors, BBS operators and others who would like to distribute Crash:Barrier. Distribution Requirements ------------------------- The Shareware Version of Crash:Barrier may be freely distributed if the following requirements are met. 1. No files may be removed or modified. 2. The Shareware Version may be uploaded in accordance with the information in license.txt. The Shareware Version may be freely copied and given to friends, associates, and others as long as the software license is not violated. 3. The Shareware Version may not be distributed on retail racks, bundled with any other product, or included on a CD-ROM or other retail compilation without prior written permission from Ian Martin. 4. A nominal fee may be charged for copying and distributing the Shareware Version of Crash:Barrier, provided the program is represented as being the Shareware Version. 5. The Registered Version may be sold through commercial channels provided the dealer or distributor purchases each copy of the Registered Version in advance. Please contact Ian Martin for dealer information and quantity discounts. 6. Ian Martin retains full ownership and copyrights to Crash:Barrier. All rights reserved. 7. Ian Martin reserves the right to modify these terms without notice.