MENU &A aberrant abnormal abnormally about absurd accident accommodated accommodation accidental adaptation adapted adapt addled adjust addle adrift adversely adjusted affected afflict affect afresh after a fashion afflicted agitated agitator agitate all at sea all over the place aimless alter altered all wrong alternatively amalgam alternative ambiguous ambiguously amalgamate amiss amok amended anomalous another anew anyhow anyway another way arising from around appear arranged arrangement arrange assembled assembly askew astray at fault assorted at sea at sixes and sevens at odds awful awfully at variance awkwardly awry awkward MENU &B badly baffled battered beaten up become becomes becoming befuddled bend bends bent bewildered bizarre blend blending blended blunder botched break break down break out break up breaking breaks brew brewed broadcast broke broken broken down broken up buckle buckles buckled buckling build builder builders building built bungled bust busted by accident by arrangement by mistake MENU &C calamitous calamitously can be capricious capriciously careless carelessly catastrophic catastrophically causes cavort cavorted cavorting change changeable changed chaos chaotic chaotically characters chew up chewed up chop up chopped up churn circling circulated clarify clumsy cocktail collapse collapsed combination come to come to be come to grief comes to comic comical complicated components compose composed composer composition compound comprise comprised comprises comprising concealing concoct concocted concoction confounded confuse confused confusion constituents constitution construct constructed construction contort contorted contraption contrariwise contrary contrivance contrived conversion convert converted convertible converts convulse cook cooked correct corrected correction corrupt corrupted corruption could be cracked crack up cracked up crash crashed crazily crazy create creation crooked crude crumbled crumbling crumple crumpled crush crushed cunning cunningly curious curiously MENU &D damage damaged dance danced dealt with deception decomposed defected defective deformed deformity demented demolished demolition deplorably deployed derange deranged derivation derivative derived from design designed destroyed devastated devastation develop developer development deviant deviating deviation devious deviously devised dicky different differently difficult dilapidated disarranged disarray disaster disastrous discomposed disclose disconcerted discord discordance discordant disfigured disfigurement disguise disguised dishevelled disintegrated disintegration dislocate dislocated dislocation dismantled disorder disordered disorderly disorganisation disorganise disorganised disoriented dispersal disperse dispersed disposed disposition disquieted disrupted disruption dissembling disseminated dissipated dissonance dissonant distorted distortion distracted distractedly distraught distressed distributed disturb disturbance disturbed dithering divergence divergent diversification diversified divert diverted dizzy doctor doctored doddery dotty doubtful doubtfully dreadful dreadfully dressed drunk drunken drunkenly dubious dubiously dud MENU &E eccentric effect effected effects embody embroil emend emendation emended engendering engineered enough for ensemble entangled entanglement equivocal erratic erratically erring erroneous error erupting eruption essentials exceptional exceptionally excited exotic exploded explosion extraordinarily MENU &F fabricate fabricated fabrication failing failure fallacious false falsely falsified faltering fanciful fantastic fashion fashioned fashioning faulty fermented fickle fiddle figuring in find fixed flaw flawed flounder fluctuating fluctuation flummoxed flurried fluster flustered foolish foolishly for a change forced forged form of forms formulating fracas fractured fracturing fragments freakish free freely frenzied fresh frisky frolic frolicking from fudge function funnily funny funny looking fused MENU &G garbled generating get get-up get face-lift gets gets face-lift give rise to gives gives rise to gives go amok go astray go bad go berserk go off go straight go to pieces go to pot go to the dogs go wrong goes goes off gone off grotesque gyrate gyrates gyrated MENU &H haphazard hapless harassed hash havoc haywire helter-skelter hide higgledy-piggledy hidden hopeless horrible horribly hotchpotch hybrid MENU &I idly ill ill-disposed ill-formed ill-made ill-treated ill-used impaired imperfect improper in in a bad way in a fashion in a ferment in a frenzy in a heap in a jumble in a knot in a mess in a muddle in a riot in a tangle in a tizzy in a tumult in a turmoil in a whirl in chaos in commotion in confusion in disarray in disguise in disorder in error in knots in order in other words in pieces in rebellion in revolt in ruins in shreds in trouble in uproar inaccurate incoherent inconstant incorrect incorrectly induce infirm ingredients injure injured inordinately insane insanely interfered with intricate involve involved irregular irregularity irritated MENU &J jerky jerkily jittery joggle juggled jumble jumbled MENU &K kind kind of kinky knotted MENU &L lawless let loose letters of liquid loosely lousily lousy ludicrous lunatic MENU &M mad maddened made made from made of made up madly make a bungle of make a hash of make a mess of make makes make-up making maladjusted maladroit malformation malformed malfunction maltreated maltreatment manage managed management manager mangle mangled manifest manifestation manipulate manipulated manoeuvre manoeuvred marred mashed material for materials for mauled maybe mayhem meandering medley melt melted mended mercurial mess messed messily messy metamorphosis mince minced mingled misapplied misbehaved misconstrued miserable mishandled mishap misrepresentation misrepresented misshapen mistake mistreated misused mix mixed mixture mix-up mobile model modelled modification modified modify molested mongrel mould moulded moving muddied muddle muddled muddly mutable mutative mutilated mutilation mutinous mysterious mysteriously MENU &N nasty naughty negotiation negotiated new new fashion new form of new order new style newly formed newly made not exactly not in order not properly not right not straight novel MENU &O obscure obscured obscurely obstreperous occasion odd odd looking oddly off operate order ordered orderly organisation organise organised original originally otherwise out outcome of outed out of out of gear out of joint out of order out of sorts outlandish over overthrow overturn MENU &P peculiar peculiar looking peculiarly perfidious perhaps permutation perplexed perverse perversely pervert perverted phoney pie placed plagued plastic playing tricks poor poorly positioned possible possibly potential potentially preparation prepared problem problematic problematical processed processing production properly organised properly presented pseudo pulverised put another way put out put right put straight MENU &Q queer queered queer-looking queerly questionable quite different MENU &R rabid ragged rambling ran amok ravage ravelled readjusted rearrange rearranged rearrangement reassembled rebel rebellious rebuild rebuilding rebuilt recalcitrant recast recollected reconstructed recreate rectification rectified redesign redesigned refine refined reform reformation reformed refractory regenerate regulated regulation remade remodel remodelled rendering rendition renovated renovation re-order re-ordered reorganisation reorganise reorganised repack repair repaired replaced replacement represent representation represented by represented in reproduce reproduced reproduction resettle resettled reshape reshaped reshuffle reshuffled resolution resolve resolved resort resulting from resulting in reveal reviewed revise revised revolting revolutionary revolutionised revolve revolved revolving revolution reword reworded rewrite rewritten rickety ridiculous rigged riot rioted rioting riotous rocky rotten rough roughly roving rude ruffled ruin ruins ruined ruinous rum rumpled run amok running amok running wild ruptured MENU &S sad sadly scatter scattered scatters scramble scrambled scruffy serve up served up set set differently set off set out setting shake shaken shaky shambles shape shaped shatter shattered shift shifted shifting shilly-shally ship-shape show mutation shuffle shuffled silly singular skittish slipping slipshod sloppy slovenly smash smashed smashing snarl up somehow sorry sort sorted sorted out sort of sorting source of spinning split spoil spoiled spoilt sport sporting spurious squiggles staggered stew stewed stir stirred stirred up storm stormy straight strange strange-looking strangely straying stricken stumbling stupid stupidly substitute subtle subvert subverted surprising surprisingly swap swapped swapping swirl swirled swirling switch switches switched MENU &T tampered with tangled tattered temper tempestuous tempestuously tentative tentatively terrible terribly the result of throw thrown tidied up tip tipped tipsy to pot topsy-turvy to rights torn tortuous toss tossed tousle tousled transform transformation transformed translate translated translation transmutation transmuted transport transported transposed transposition treacherous treated trick tricked tricky trouble troubled troublesome tumble-down tumbling tumultuous turbulent turn turned turned out twist twisted twister twisting MENU &U uncertain unclear uncommon undecided undisciplined undoing undone uneasy unfamiliar unhappy unnatural unorthodox unravelled unreliable unrest unrestrained unruly unsettled unsettling unsound unstable unsteady untidy untie untied unusual unusually unwonted upheaval upset usage use used uses MENU &V vacillating vague vaguely vandalise vandalised variable varied variety various variously vary version version of violent violently volatile MENU &W wander wandering warp warped warring wavering way way out wayward weave weird weirdly well-formed well-ordered well-organised well-varied went off went to pieces whirling wild wildly wobbly woolly work out works worried woven wreck wrecked writhing wrong wrongly