acetic acid acutance aerial photography Agfa Agfapan agitation Alfred Stieglitz angle angle of view Annie Leibovitz anti-redeye aperture aperture priority APO APS ASA aspherical auto bracketing autofocus background backlighting backlit ball and socket barn doors base battery bayonet bayonets beanbag beanbags Beaton bellows Benbo Bill Brandt black and white bleach bleached blind blue blur body bracket bracketing brackets Brandt Bronica Brownie built-in flash bulb burn in burnt in cable release Canon capacitor Carl Zeiss cartridge cassette catadiotric Cecil Beaton celluloid Centon centre-weighted changing bag circular polariser close down closeup closeup lens closing down coarse coarse grain Cobra Cokin colour colour cast condenser contact contact print contact printing contrast Cosina Courtenay coving cross processing cyan Daguerre daguerreotype David Hill daylight daylight tank dedicated flash definition delayed exposure density depth of field develop developer developing tank diffract diffraction diffuse diffuser DIN dispersion dodge double exposure drop-in loading drying dupe Durst DX coding Earl of Snowdon Ektar Elite enlarge enlarged enlarger enlarging lens EOS Espio exhibition expose exposed exposing exposure extension extension tube eye piece fast fill-in fill-in flash filter filter thread fine fine grain fisheye fisheye lens fixer flare flash flash bulb flash cube flash gun flash lead flash sync floodlight focal length focal plane focus focused focusing ring focus lock focussed fogged fogging foreground Fresnel lens f-stop Fuji gadget bag gelatine gel filter glass glass plate glazing gloss gold grade graduated graduated filter grain graininess gray scale green ground spike handheld hand hold hardener hard lighting Hasselblad Henry Robinson hide high contrast high key highlight high speed sync holdall hotshoe Hoya hyperfocal point hypo IF lens Ilford Ilfospeed incident light indoor infinity infrared internal focusing iris Irving Penn ISO Kelvin Kiev Kodak Konica landscape latitude Leica Leitz lens lens cap lens caps lens hood life-size light box lith Lord Snowdon low contrast low-dispersion glass Lowepro low key Lubitel lustre negative Neopan neutrald ensity Niepce Nikon objective opening-up open up optic optical optics orange Orwo overcast over-expose over-exposed Panasonic panning Panther paper paper grade parallax Paterson pearl pentax perceptol perspective photo CD photo cell photographer photographersgallery Photokina Photoshop pincushion pinhole polariser polaroid portrait positive postcard posterisation posterization Praktica prefocused print print washer process processing lab process paid projector Provia pull processing push push process push processing range finder Reala reciprocity reciprocity failure red redeye redeye reduction reducing agent reel loader reflect reflection reflector refraction refractive index Regent resin coated resin coated paper reticulation retouching reversing ring rewind ricoh ring flash rinse rinsed rinsers Rodenstock Roger Fenton roll Rollei Rolleiflex rolls rule of thirds safelight Salgado saturate saturated saturation screw screw-in Seagull Sebastiao Selgado Sensia sepia sepia toning shift lens shoot shooting shot shure shot shutter shutter blind shutter priority shutter release shutters shutter speed silhouette silver halide single-lens reflex skylight slave slaveunit slide slide dupe slide duplicator slide projector slide viewer slow slow sync SLR snap snaps snoot Snowdon soft focus soft lighting solarised solarized Soligor spherical aberration split field spotlight spotting sprocket stacked lens starburst still still life stock solution stop stop bath stop down strobe studio subject sunlight Super G sync table-top tripod table tripod Talbot technique teleconverter teleconvertor telephoto test strip texture thyristor tint tinted TLR Tokina tone toner toners transparency tripod Tri-X TTL tungsten light twin lens reflex ultraviolet ultra-wideangle unbleached underexpose underexposed Uniloc universal developer uprating Vanguard Vectis Velvia viewfinder vignetting Vivitar wash washed out washing wetting agent wide-angle wide-angle lens wildlife Yashica yellow Zeiss Zenit