adult learning A-level aptitude test art school BA bachelor of arts backward beadle blackboard bursar bursary captain chancellor class coach co-ed co-educational college collegiate course crib day boy day release day school dean degree digs dining-hall doctor of science doctorate don eleven-plus exhibition exhibitioner faculty fellowship GCSE gown graduate grant great hall guidance hall head head boy head girl head teacher high school holiday task honours I.L.E.A. illiteracy instructor Junior wrangler kindergarten laboratory learning lecture lecturer lesson library lines locker lower school nursery O-level Open University pedagogue PGCE playgroup poly polytechnic postgraduate practical preceptor prefect prelector president principal proctor professor project project work provost pupil pupil-teacher reader reading rector red-brick refectory registrar research revision roll call sabbatical scholar scholarly scholarship school school hours school inspector school teacher school year schoolboy schooldays schoolfellow schoolgirl scout selection send down senior wrangler speech day statutes student study Sunday school supervisor supply teacher swat teacher test textbook tripos tuck-shop tuition tutor tutorial undergraduate university vacation vice-chancellor vice-principal viva voce warden wrangler