:Base cc5 :Title Crossword Compiler 1 How to make a crossword=New 1 Ordering Crossword Compiler=ordering 1 Opening and creating crosswords 2 Opening an existing puzzle=Open 2 Crossword Templates=Templates 2 Types of puzzle 3 Standard (American, cryptic, quick...)=CC5.SC_002 3 Freeform/Vocabulary=CC5.FVP001 3 Shapes=CC5.SP_001 3 Coded=CC5.CC_001 3 Barred=CC5.BC_001 3 Clues in squares=CC5.CIS001 3 French style=CC5.FSC001 1 Designing and editing grids 2 Using a pattern from a grid library=CC5.UAG001 2 Editing the grid=Puzzle 2 Keyboard controls=Keyboard 2 Mouse controls=Mouse 2 Toolbar buttons=Toolbar 2 Symmetry=Symmetry 2 Grid Properties=GridProp 2 Square Properties=SqProp 2 Clue Squares=ClueSqs 2 Grid Font=Font 2 Filling blocks=BlockFill 2 Flipping the puzzle=Flip 2 Removing blanks=RemoveBlanks 2 Making a snaking word=LinkDirecs 2 Grid Libraries 3 Using a pattern in a grid library=CC5.UAP001 3 Adding to a grid pattern=CC5.ATA001 3 Extracting grid patterns from files=CC5.EGP001 1 Putting words in the grid 2 Creating vocabulary puzzles=VocabFill 2 AutoFind=Autofind 2 Finding Words=FindWord 2 AutoFill=Autofill 2 Grid filling=GridFill 2 The Professional Grid Filler 3 About the Professional Grid Filler=CC5.TPG001 3 Grid filling with manual word selection=CC5.CWF001 1 Writing Clues 2 Clue Editor=Edit 2 Reviewing and editing clues=Review 2 Clue squares=ClueSqs 2 Solution formats=Format 2 Clue properties=ClueProp 2 Linking clues=Link 2 Finding Anagrams=Anagram 2 Finding anagram indicators=AnagIndicators 2 Finding Letter indicators=LetterIndicators 2 Clue databases 3 About clue databases=ClueDatabases 3 Database Manager=BrowseClues 3 Merging databases together=MergeClues 3 Using to create a vocabulary puzzle=VocabFill 1 Printing 2 Printing the puzzle=Print 2 Print Headers=Headers 2 Printer Setup=PrintSetup 1 Desktop publishing 2 Desktop publishing=DTP 2 Copying to the clipboard=Clipboard 2 Exporting puzzles=Export 1 Creating web pages 3 Web page export=CC5.WPE001 3 Creating Java crosswords=CC5.CJC001 3 Web page export options=CC5.WP_001 3 Making your own HTML templates=HTMLTem 3 Java applet properties=CC5.JAP001 1 Managing Word Lists 2 About word lists=WordLists 2 Theme lists=CC5.TL_001 2 The Word List Manager=ListMan 2 Viewing word lists=ViewList 2 Creating a list=CreateList 2 Adding and removing words=AddRemove 2 Adding text files=AddText 2 Adding lists to each other=MergeLists 2 About word list scoring=Scores 2 Changing word scores=ChangeScores 2 Character sets=CharSets 2 Converting word lists=ConvertList 1 Reference 2 Crossword Glossary=Jargon 2 Introduction to cryptic clues=Cryptics 2 Bibliography=Biblio 2 Acknowledgements=Acknowledge 2 Customer support and upgrades=Support