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The most comprehensive guide to Amiga resources on the Web.

The Amiga Web Directory is sponsored by:
CU-Online and The Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group

New Links! | Amiga Technologies | Amiga News | Info Resources
File Collections | Software Support | Hardware Support | Magazines
Commercial Sites | Demo Scene | Telnet BBSi | User Groups
Other Amiga Links | Monster Link List | About the AWD
Search This Site | Send your Comments | Suggest a Link

The Amiga Web Directory Index

New Amiga Links!
All of the newest links and other information that has been recently added to The Amiga Web Directory.
Amiga Technologies
Latest information from and about Amiga Technologies including links to the official Amiga Technologies Web site and the latest North Amercan dealer listing.
Amiga Information Resources
All of the information you are looking for about the Amiga including many Frequently Asked Question lists, documentation and a list of all Amiga Usenet newsgroups.
Amiga File Collections for Downloading
Direct, World Wide Web access to the best Amiga FTP sites which contain thousands of programs, pictures, music and other information for you to download.
 *NEW* Amiga Freeware/Shareware Software Support
Over 100 links to support pages sponsored by authors of freeware and shareware Amiga programs. Downloading is also usually available. Now, categorized by software type!
Amiga Hardware Support
Specific technical information, specifications and support for Amiga computers and the various peripherals one plugs into them.
Amiga Magazines
Links to Amiga online and printed periodicals, newsletters, E-Zines, etc. Good sources for topical Amiga information.
Amiga Commercial Products
Many Amiga-oriented companies now have a presence on the World Wide Web and this is your complete guide to them.
The Amiga Demo Scene
The competition is fierce among this group of gifted code writers to produce graphically and musically stunning demos on the Amiga.
Amiga Telnet Gateways, BBSi and Online Services
Log in to Amiga BBSi from around the world via Telnet (your browser must have Telnet capabilities).
Commodore and Amiga User Groups
A comprehensive listing of Commodore and Amiga-oriented user groups. Links to home pages and text listings.
Other Amiga Web Destinations
A wide variety of content-rich, Amiga home pages covering a diverse assortment of topics and themes.
Monster List of all Amiga Links
An alternative way of viewing the Amiga Web Directory. One, huge page with all links listed (the "old way"). Great for using with your browser's search command.
About The Amiga Web Directory
General information about this Web site along with a few shameless, self-aggrandizing plugs.
Search The Amiga Web Directory
Use our simple search form to find which files contain what you are looking for in The Amiga Web Directory.
Send us your Comments
Got a comment about the Amiga Web Directory or a news item you'd like us to consider?
Suggest a Link
Let us know about your own Amiga home page or a favorite that we've missed.

The Amiga Web Directory is a free service of the Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group and CU-Online. If you know of any other interesting Amiga-oriented Web pages tell us about them! Just fill out our handy Suggest a Link Form or e-mail your submissions to and we'll check them out. "The Amiga Web Directory" and the Amiga Web Directory logo are service marks of the Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group, Inc. CUCUG assumes no responsibility for the content associated with the links shown and does not necessarily endorse any of these information providers or their products. Please also refer to our list of other disclaimers. The Amiga Web Directory logo was created by Matias Larsson.
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© 1995 Champaign-Urbana Commodore Users Group /

Time is: 20:41:26  Wednesday, 27-Mar-96,  87. day of the year.
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Previous accesses to this page:
Sat 23-Mar-96 21:52:33 
Sat 23-Mar-96 09:21:32 
Thu 21-Mar-96 15:25:57 
Thu 21-Mar-96 08:48:45 
Fri 15-Mar-96 04:23:20 
Thu 14-Mar-96 22:07:04 
Thu 14-Mar-96 00:49:11