[Logo Wageningen  Agricultural University] [How to browse through the WAU pages]

The pages on this server are designed according to a certain idea. This idea will be explained below. If you intend to use this page as a tutorial, we advise you to print the page first.

Icon and Color

Icons at the bottom of the page = browsing by subject
Logo's at the top of the page = browsing by hierarchy
Pages which are in a different style and still WAU
How to browse through the WAU pages even quicker

Icon and Color

The most important subjects have their own icon and description on the homepage. Every icon has its specific color which will stick to all pages covering the same subject. You can see them listed here:
[yellow] = news
[purple] = research
[blue] = education
[red] = departments
[green] = everything general: services, spiders web, help

An example. The education icon is blue. All pages which cover main WAU-education subjects will have a blue WAU logo at the top and the blue education-icon with every important subject.
There are also other pages. Pages which fall in another main group, but which cover education subjects. For example: an education page of an individual department will have the red department logo at the top (because that indicates its 'main group' status) and the blue hat icon with every important subject (because that indicates the main subject of that page).

If you like, you can see it for yourself:

(with the BACK-button at the lefthand top of your browser you will return to this page)

Icons at the bottom of the page = browsing by subject

The subject-icons of the homepage are also present at the bottom of every other page, accompagnied by the WAU-home icon. These icons do not always refer to the subject-homepages. They can very well refer first to the local subject page, and then to the subject's homepage. If that is the case you can identify them by the fact that the icon has a circle around it, instead of a square. The main advantage of this system is that you are not obliged to go back to home to view different subjects.
This may seem complicated, but we invite you to try it out yourself. It works faster and more flexible than the 'back' and 'forward' buttons at the top of your browser (which can be used anyway).

[GO] Try it right here: Using the GO-button, you go from here to the Organization page of the Department of Theoretical Production Ecology and from there by means of the purple microscope-icon (research), first to the research page of that Department (the round one), and then further to the homepage of WAU-research (the square one).

(If you want to return to this page use the BACK-button at the lefthand top of your browser three times)

Logo's at the top of the page = browsing by hierarchy

You will always go back to the first homepage in line if you click on the WAU logo at the top of a page. We will explain this by means of an example.
Suppose you are watching the profile page of a Department. If you click the logo at the top of the page, you will go back to the homepage of this Department. If you click the logo at the top of this homepage, you will travel back to the homepage of all departments. After that you will be back home at the homepage of WAU.

[GO] Try it right here. Using the GO-button, you go from here to the Profile page of the Department of Theoretical Production Ecology, click your way back to the homepage through the logo's at the top of the pages you meet.

(If you want to return to this page use the BACK-button at the lefthand top of your browser four times. Another way is to choose the Help-icon and this same topic (I want to know how I can browse quickly and easily through the WAU pages.)).


At an international institution like an University, bilingualism is a daily issue. In the design stage of these pages we decided to solve this in a general way. This means that you may choose your language of choice on the homepage and that you will continue in that language till some information only exists in one language. Most research items, for example, are only available in English, and some internal items are only available in Dutch).

If you want to change language, it is in most cases the easiest to go back to the home-page and make the switch from there.

How to browse through the WAU pages even quicker

If you want to browse through the WAU pages in a very speedy way, and you are not (any longer) interested in the images, there is a very simple way to achieve that. You simply turn off 'autoload images' under the Options menu in your browser. Instead of pictures, you will see their description.

If you want to see a certain image after all, you only need to click on it with your mouse and it will be loaded and visible.

Pages which are in a different style and still WAU

Before this style and system was developed, there was already for a long time life at WAU-WWW. Almost all of these pages conform nicely to the old style. For searching and browsing they fit without problems in the new style because almost all of them carry this[old WAU-home logo]logo at the bottom, which carries you back to the WAU-homepage.

[WAU-home] [WAU-news] [WAU-departments] [WAU-research] [WAU-education] [WAU-services] [WAU-WEB] [WAU-help]

Updated August 5, 1995 by Swimmar. Please mail comments and questions to: www@www.wau.nl