You are user to access this page since Feb 7, 1996.
Volcano Mitigation Team (VMT) Actions and programs on volcanic hazards.
Natural Hazards Mitigation Post-Graduate Studies (the CERG) International certificate in analysis and management of geological risks
Swiss Disaster Relief Unit A group dedicated to world-wide disaster prevention and rescue operations.
Seismic Hazards Studies Seismic risks studies, seismic zonation, and more...
Volcano Pictures. A catalog of slides showing volcanoes in Central America, USA, Italy and Latin America.
Geology/Volcanology Hotlist Sites of interest related to geology and/or volcanoes. A must-have!

What we do - What you can do

The Earth Sciences Section of the University of Geneva has introduced a Certificate of Specialization in Analysis and Management of Geological Risks in cooperation with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology of Lausanne and the United Nations University in Tokyo (UNU).
Geologists, Engineers and Decision Makers can be trained in fields such as seismic, volcanic, flooding, landslides hazards and their impacts and then apply mitigation strategies in their respective countries.
As a contribution to the spirit of the UN's International Decade for Natural Disasters Reduction (IDNDR), the 1996 course is organized in the Caribbean, at the University of The West Indies, in Kingston, Jamaica. The course is planified for July 8 to August 17, 1996.
The attendance is international: we have had participants from more than 35 different countries.

At the same time, PhD candidates are studying volcanic risks in Guatemala and Nicaragua, while others are mapping and evaluating seismic risks in central Europe.

The team is also cooperating with several different groups, working in the volcanic hazards monitoring and the natural disaster relief fields.
It is based at the University of Geneva, in Switzerland, and acts mostly in conjunction with the Swiss Disaster Relief Unit, part of the Humanitarian Affairs, which is attached to the Swiss Foreign Affairs Department.

This server will be updated as soon as possible and will cover most of our missions in foreign countries.

You are welcome to send us any feedback on this WWW server, and/or suggestions of topics to be covered here. Let us hear from you.
To contact us, send an email to, or write to us at:

Dpt. of Mineralogy
University of Geneva
13, Rue des Maraichers
1211 GENEVA 4
Phone: + 41 22 702-6627 (GMT+1)
Fax: + 41 22 320-5732

Many thanks to J.-M. Naef and A. Deloff for their advices on building a WWW page.