Policy: 238
Subject: Use of Computer Facilities
Approved By: Board of Governors
Contact: Vice-President (Administration)
Group: All
Approved: 25 March 1993
I. Application of Policy
This policy applies to the use of the University's computer
facilities by all staff and students at the University of
Manitoba. It applies to the mainframe computer facilities,
mini-computers, micro-computers, data network facilities and
University owned software, regardless of the source of funding.
These hardware devices and associated software are subsequently
referred to in this document as the "Facilities".
II. Facilities are to be used for University Purposes
Authorized use shall only be for University purposes associated
with the following:
- administrative;
- instructional;
- research including graduate theses;
- community services in furtherance of or related to 1-3 above
- outside professional activity, provided that in the case of
substantial use of the Facilities prior written
authorization from the Comptroller for appropriate financial
arrangements is obtained.
Use of the Facilities and of the information stored on them for
any purpose other than those identified above will be considered
as unauthorized, whether or not the use resulted in indirect or
direct personal gain.
III. Unauthorized Use of Facilities
Without limiting the generality of the above, the following are
some examples of the unauthorized use of facilities.
- Attempting to circumvent security systems on any facility,
or the use of a computer account without authorization;
- Developing or using programs that harass other users of the
Facilities or that damage the software or hardware
components of the Facility and placing any destructive or
nuisance programs such as a virus in the Facilities;
- Using the Facilities, particularly electronic mail and
bulletin boards, to send fraudulent, harassing or obscene
- Transmitting commercial or personal advertisements,
solicitations or promotions using the Facilities;
- Unless authorized by the Vice-President (Administration),
reading, obtaining copies of or modifying data files,
programs or passwords belonging to other computer users
without the permission of those other computer users;
- Breaching the terms and conditions of a software licensing
agreement to which the University is a party. (Terms and
conditions of such software licensing agreements may be
obtained from Computer Services.)
IV. Penalties
Persons found to have used the Facilities for unauthorized
purposes (Section II) or who have misused the Facilities (Section
III) are subject to University discipline and/or legal action in
accordance with applicable University policies and collective