[Slovakia Map]

General country information

Country: Slovenska Republika (The Slovak Republic)

National flag: [Slovak national flag]

Geographics coordinates: Patince (47 43' 55" of the North Latitude), Oravska Polhora (49 36' 54" of the North Latitude), Zahorska Ves (16 50' 04" of the East Longitude), Nova Sedlica (22 34' 20" of the East Longitude)

Area: 49 030 sq.km

Maximum length: 428 km (Zahorska Ves - Nova Sedlica)

Maximum width: 195 km (Sturovo - Skalite)

Elevation above sea level: 95 m (Bodrog) - 2656 m (Gerlach)

Population: 5 268 935

Population density: 107.5/sq.km

Nationalities: Slovak (85.6%), Hungarian (10.8%), Romany (1.8%), Czech (1.2%), Ruthenian (0.3%), Ukrainian (0.3%), German (0.1%), Polish (0.1%),Other (0.2%)

Religion: Roman-Catholic (60.3%), Greek-Catholic (3.4%), Evangelic A.c. (6.2%), Reformist (1.6%), Orthodox (0.6%), Without any confession (9.7%),No data (18.2%)

Capital: Bratislava (441 453)

Bordering countries: The Czech republic, Poland, The Ukrajine, Hungary, Austria

President: Michal Kovac

Prime minister: Vladimir Meciar

Government type: parliamentary democracy

Independence: January 1, 1993 (from Czecho-Slovakia)

Constitution: January 1, 1993

Monetary unit: Slovenska koruna (Slovak crown)

Chief crops: wheat, rye, corn, potatoes, sugar beets

Livestock: cattle, pigs, chickens, sheep, goats

Major industries: brown coal mining, chemical, metal working, consumer appliances, fertilizers, plastics, armaments

Natural resources: antimony ore, mercury, iron ore, copper, lead, zinc

Slovak towns on World Wide Web

Slovak Newspapers and Magazines

Common words in Slovak

English Slovak
Hello Ahoj (ah-hoy)
Goodbye Do videnia (doh vid-ehn-ih-yah)
Yes Ano (ah-noh)
No Nie (nee-ya)
Please Prosim (pro-seem)
Thank you Dakujem (dhack-uuh-yam)

Comments/problems/questions/suggestions: www-admin@tuzvo.sk
Last modifien on December 19, 1995 by Michal Sramka and Tibor Weis