Space Environment Realtime Data Intercommunication Network(SERDIN)

NOTE: The Space Environment Realtime Data Intercommunication Network(SERDIN) is one of core facilities required for Space Weather Forecasts. It is designed to perform acquisition, analysis, and distribution of observed data of space environment automatically. A wide variety of the solar and geophysical data is to be collected via either Ethernet LAN at Hiraiso Center or the wide area (domestic and overseas) links in near realtime.

Access to SERDIN Account
This account can be accessed via INTERNET. Modem access at 2400/1200 baud is also available.

How to Access?
  1. INTERNET Access
    Access via the INTERNET can be accomplished by the following:
    At your system's prompt, type:


    You should then receive the following welcome message,
    Welcome to HIRAISO Solar-Terrestrial Research Center.
    At the VMS login prompt, type:


  2. Modem Access
    Terminal Requirements for modem access are:
    ANSI standard terminal (VT100 compatible) &
    Color ReGIS graphic terminal (VT286 compatible)
    (1) Some commercial VT286 emulators are available for PC9801. e.g. ANK286 by Val-Laboratory,tel.03-379-6299
    (2) A few of options also support Tektronix graphics.
    Dial Up Line Parameter:
    Phone no. 0292-65-7284
    Baud Rate ... 300/1200/2400 bps
    8 bits, None Parity, 1 stop bit, Xon/off
    MNP-Class 5
    We recommend to use MNP(so-called "Error-free") modems for 2400bps communications.

[1]. Tokumaru,M., T.Kikuchi, and K.Marubashi, "Data Network System for Space Weather Forecast", Proceeding of Solar Terrestrial Predictions Workshop at Leura, Australia, Oct. 16-20, 1989, Vol.2, 163-174, 1990.
[2]. Tokumaru,M.,"Space Environment Real-time Data Intercommunication Network for Space Weather Forecast"(in Japanese), Rev. of CRL, 35, Special Issue No.7, 21-29, 1989.