Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation.


Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation and its subsidiaries provide Japan's broad range of telecommunications services, including telephone, telegraph, leased circuit, data communication facility and miscellaneous services. NTT also sells terminal equipment.

Let us hear from you! Orange Line Free-dial 0120-019000.

General Information



NTT's official server

NTT related servers

NTT Research and Development Headquarters

NTT has the following 3 laboratory groups and 13 laboratories as its R&D department.

Overseas Activities of NTT R&D


COREnet (COmmunications REsearch Network) is a research oriented internet in NTT Laboratories. COREnet has links to WIDE project (for Japan) and NEARnet (for outside Japan). It also has a multicast connection to the MBONE.


Global News
The independent newsletter published by the NTT's international researchers.

Head Office Building under construction in Shinjuku, Tokyo
Photo as of the first quater of December, 1994 by Hiroshi G. Okuno. (690Kbytes)
Head Office Building during interior finish work
Photo as of the first quater of April, 1995 (197Kbytes)
Head Office Building
Photo as of the last quater of November, 1995 (67Kbytes)
Head Office Building reflecting the setting sun
Photo as of the last quater of November, 1995 (53Kbytes)
Japanese version is here.


TAKADA Toshihiro