AXIOM is a powerful computer algebra system which provides a complete environment for anyone needing to manipulate and solve mathematical formulae. Its application is wide-ranging, from pure mathematics research through branches of physics, chemistry, biology and engineering to financial modelling and cryptography.

AXIOM was originally developed as a research tool by IBM in collaboration with experts around the world; IBM has a long history of research in symbolic algebra with many significant contributions to the field. The copyright of AXIOM is now assigned to NAG. A full description of the AXIOM system is given here .

Release 2 of AXIOM started shipping at the end of October 1994. Release 2 adds the following major new features in addition to other changes to the system:

Release 2 is initially available on IBM RS/6000 (AIX), Sun (SunOS) and HP (HP-UX) platforms with other ports available shortly.

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Copyright The Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford UK. 1995 <>