Welcome to Middle East Technical University
Main World Wide Web (WWW) Server

Here, you may find various information about Middle East Technical University and also access the entry points for some popular Internet tools and information sources. Please, take a look at What's New in this Server , if your last visit was before February 15, 1996.

Charged Laser Printout Service in Use

METU Library Online Public Access Catalog

    (Kütüphane'de Bilgisayar ile Katalog Tarama)

All you want to know about Middle East Technical University

METU Announcements & Calendar

METU Computer Center's Online Library

You should visit METU-CC's Online Library, to look at the Webster Dictionary, WWW Atlas of Turkey, METU Phone Book, CISN, Unix Man Pages, etc. Also, Turkish Newspapers' Headings are archived there.

  • Documents prepared by METUCC
  • Catalog of Continuing Education Center
  • "ODTU Bu Hafta" Newsletter

    Links to the Web Pages of

    WWW Mirrors

    Internet Services in Turkey

    Here, some pointers are provided to the local services available in METU and neighbours.

    Jump to some Internet Services

  • Number of visitors visited this page since January 1, 1996.

    Your comments, suggestions are important. Please, send your feedback .

    Egemen Metin Turan,
    Metu-CC , Feb 15, 1996.