COLA Technical Reports

  1. Ocean Wave Dynamics and El NiƱo. E. K. Schneider, B. Huang, & J. Shukla, April 1994, 46 pp.
  2. Flux Correction and Equilibrium Climate. E. K. Schneider, April 1994, 12 pp.
  3. The Effect on Climate of Doubling Deserts. P. A. Dirmeyer, & J. Shukla, June 1994, 61 pp.
  4. A Comparison of Two Surface Wind Stress Analyses over the Tropical Atlantic during 1980-1987. B. Huang, & J. Shukla, June 1994, 46 pp.
  5. A Pilot Reanalysis Project at COLA. D. Paolino, Q. Yang, B. Doty, J. L. Kinter III, J. Shukla, & D. Straus, July 1994, 46 pp.
  6. GCM Simulations of the Life Cycles of the 1988 US Drought and Heatwave. M. J. Fennessy, J. L. Kinter III, L. Marx, E. K. Schneider, P. J. Sellers, & J. Shukla, July 1994, 68 pp.
  7. Land-Sea Geometry and its Effect on Monsoon Circulations. P. A. Dirmeyer, August 1994, 39 pp.
  8. The response of an Ocean GCM to Surface Wind Stress Produced by an Atmospheric GCM. B. Huang, & E. K. Schneider, September 1994, 56 pp.
  9. Meeting on Problems in Initializing Soil Wetness: Review. P. A. Dirmeyer, January 1995, 33pp.
  10. Experimental Multi-Season ENSO Predictions with an Anomaly Coupled General Circulation Model. Z. Zhu and E. K. Schneider, May 1995, 28pp.
  11. The Impact of Desertification in the Mongolian and the Inner Mongolian Grassland on the East Asian Monsoon. Yongkang Xue, May 1995, 50pp.
  12. Annual Cycle and ENSO in a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model. Edwin K. Schneider, Zhengxin Zhu, Benjamin S. Giese, Bohua Huang, Ben P. Kirtman, J. Shukla, James A. Carton, May 1995, 57pp.
  13. Improvement in Stratosphere and Upper-Troposphere Simulation with a Hybrid Isentropic-Sigma Coordinate GCM. Zhengxin Zhu and Edwin K. Schneider, June 1995, 45pp.
  14. Factors Determining the Precipitation Distribution and Low-Level Flow in the Tropics of an Atmospheric General Circulation Model: Diagnostic Studies. David G. DeWitt, Edwin K. Schneider, and Anandu D. Vernekar, June 1995, 56pp.
  15. Multiseasonal Predictions with a Coupled Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere System. Ben P. Kirtman, J. Shukla, Bohua Huang, Zhengxin Zhu, and Edwin K. Schneider, June 1995, 59pp.
  16. An Examination of the AGCM Simulated Surface Wind Stress and Low Level Winds Over the Tropical Pacific Ocean. Bohua Huang and J. Shukla, August 1995, 42pp.
  17. Model Based Estimates of Equatorial Pacific Wind Stress. Ben P. Kirtman, Edwin K. Schneider and Bernard Kirtman, August 1995, 58pp.
  18. Impact of Vegetation Properties on U.S. Summer Weather Prediction. Yongkang Xue, Michael J. Fennessy and Piers Sellers,August 1995, 41pp.
  19. Wave-CISK, The Evaporation-Wind Feedback, and the Intraseasonal Oscillation: Phase Propagation and Scale Selection. Ben P. Kirtman and Anandu D. Vernekar,August 1995.
  20. Intercomparison of Atmospheric Model Wind Stress with Three Different Convective Parameterizations: Sensitivity of Tropical Pacific Ocean Simulations. Ben P. Kirtman and David G. DeWitt,September 1995, 51 pp.
  21. Variations of Mid-Latitude Transient Dynamics Associated with ENSO. David M. Straus and J. Shukla,September 1995, 49 pp.
  22. Tropical Influence on Global Climate. Edwin K. Schneider, Richard S. Lindzen and Ben P. Kirtman, February 1996, 29pp.
  23. Precipitation and Water Vapor Transport Simulated by a Hybrid Isentropic-Sigma GCM. Zhengxin Zhu,March 1996, 37 pp.
  24. Variations of SST, Wind Stress, and Rainfall over the Tropical Atlantic and South America. P. Nobre, & J. Shukla,
  25. The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS). B. Doty,
  26. The COLA Atmospheric General Circulation Model. L. Marx, & J. L. Kinter III,

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In Press - Available Soon
In Preparation / Review

Copies of COLA Reports are available from:
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last update: 12 March 1996
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