Ernesto's Tango Page

This page is about Argentine tango, which I am obsessed with - the music and, especially, the dance.

How to Learn more about Tango

By far the best way to learn about tango is learning by doing. Take part in a workshop or take regular tango classes. Go to a local milonga (= tango dance event) and look, listen, and talk to the people there (for addresses see below or ask people from The Tango List).

Read about Tango

Listen to Tango

Watch Tango

Dance Tango

(I maintain the Vienna page myself, the others are links)

Other Information

Note: For political reasons, Shawn's (Lausanne-based) Tango Server which used to be the definite reference source in the net with lots of pointers to the history and the present state of the tango, literature, music, people, ... is not available anymore. More info on that sad development to be found here.
