The UWA Student
The Student Guild at the
University of Western Australia
is the representative organisation of the students
at this University.
This WWW server is intended to provide otherwise
difficult-to-find information about the services that the Guild and its
associated clubs and societies
provide to their members.
The UWA Student Guild is composed of a number of cooperating sections.
- Guild Council is the peak representative
body for students on campus
- Guild Departments exist to provide
representation and resources for
students with a variety of specific concerns and include:
the Environment Department,
the International Students Service,
the Postgraduate Student
the Sexuality Information Department,
and the Women's Department.
- Guild subsidiary councils which include:
- Societies Council whose role is to represent clubs
and societies and their concerns to the Guild and the University
- Sports Council who coordinate the many sports clubs and other sports
activities on campus
- The Pelican newspaper which provides
a different perspective to student life than official UWA publications
- The Education Office which is
able to provide a host of services to students ranging from emergency
loans and Austudy information to advocacy during appeals against
academic assessment
The UWA Student Guild is now one of many Australian student organisations
on the web.
We now have a usage graph, thanks to the wusage