Sampling of starting points for Internet exploration
Seuraavat ovat vain esimerkin omaisia viitteitΣ ulkomaisiin WWWpalveluhakemistoihin, eikΣ kattava lista, jonka
yllñpito olisikin lΣhes mahdotonta. The following is only some of the
possible starting points for internet exploration mostly outside Finland
but sometimes with optimization for FUNET users...
- What's New on the Net
- Networking
- Geographical views
- Searchable databases
- Subject oriented catalogues
- Protocol oriented catalogues
- Art and Academia
- International conferences
- JENC7 - 7th Joint European Networking Conference, 13-16 May 1996, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, in Budapest, Hungary
- Fourth International World Wide Web Conference, December 11-14, 1995, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
- Supercomputing95, San Diego, USA
- 6. Joint European Networking Conference, Tel Aviv
- The Official Homepage of the 32nd Meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force.
- INET'95, the 5th Annual Conference of the Internet Society
- INET'95 Proceedings
- Third International World-Wide Web Conference, Technology, Tools, and Application, April 10-14, 1995, Darmstadt, Germany
- Danvers IETF Meeting (April 1995)
- The Hypertext-Information Retrieval-Multimedia conference HIM'95
- The Second International WWW Conference '94: Mosaic and the Web, Proceedings
- Conference on Human Factors in Computing
- Miscellaneous