Other climate research facilities worldwide

Other climate research facilities worldwide

World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Meteorology
UEA Maths dept. Oceanography information
MEDALUS - Mediterranean Desertification and Land Use
NCAR - US National Center for Atmospheric Research
U. S. National Climate Data Center
Dept. of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois (Gopher)
Atlas of global instrumental climate data from the Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
International Tree Ring Data Bank
U. S. National Geophysical Data Center
Ontario Climate Gopher (including CAC ENSO advisories)
Canadian Climate Information
ANU Climate information
Frequently Asked Questions
sci.geo.meteorology FAQ
METLA - Finnish Forest Research Institute
CCGCR - Centre for Climate and Global Change Research, McGill University, Montreal
NERC - the Natural Environment Research Council
GCMD - Global Change Master Directory
Weather Resources On the Internet
Applied Climate Research Unit at the University of Queensland
Eco - the Climate Action Network newsletter
GLOSS Bulletin, newsletter of the Global Sea Level Community
Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory
Centre for Atmospheric Science, Cambridge
Greenpeace Climate Change info
Friends of the Earth
CEDS '95 - Second International Workshop on Climate and Environmental Database Systems
Laboratory of Tree Ring Research, Arizona
European weather maps
Extreme weather event images
NOAA Climate Diagnostics Center, Boulder, Colorado
United States Climate Page