Department of Archaeology

Archaeology on the World Wide Web

New archaeological/anthropological WWW sites are being set up constantly. This list of (loosely) archaeological sites is consequently far from complete, and by the time you read it it will be out of date. Consequently if you find dead links, or spelling mistakes or if you know of a site which isn't here please send an email to

The page is now split into subject-based sections as follows: local resources and other lists of links , Geographic Information Systems in archaeology, miscellaneous archaeology links (including fieldwork), museums and University Archaeology (or related) departments.

Local resources and other lists of links

Archaeology FTP server at Southampton.
The Virtual Library links to other Archaeology resources.
Classics and Mediterranean Archaeology list of WWW sites.
European Archaeology Web, with lots more archaeology links.
WEDA, searchable database of Archaeo and Anthro contacts.

GIS in archaeology

Archaeologists using GIS, postal and e-mail addresses.
Dictionary of GIS Terms: Edinburgh University Geography Dept.
GIS via the WWW: Edinburgh Univerisity Geography Dept.
Little Salt Spring Underwater Archaeology project , digital video and GIS.
GIS WWW server: University of East Anglia.
USGS home page: US Geological Survey WWW server.
ARC/INFO tutorial by Shane Murnion
GIS and Remote Sensing application in Burgandy, France.
National Wetlands Inventory home page in the US.
World conservation monitoring centre home page.
Bryggens Museum mapping software development.

Miscellaneous archaeological links

Abzu index (of archaeological sites in the Near East).
Ancient Monuments Laboratory of English Heritage home page
ANTHRO-L home page.
Archaeological Fieldwork Server listing jobs for excavators.
Archnet (Prehistoric archaeology of the northeast)
BUFAU (Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit) .
Carnac and Morbihan exhibition of photographs.
╟atalh÷yⁿk excavations of a Neolithic Anatolian Tell .
'The Celts' homepage (educational charity).
Centre for Computer-aided Egyptological Resources (CCER)
Center for World Indigenous Studies Fourth World Documentation Project
Computer Applications in Archaeology home page
Flora Mesoamericana
Foz Coa threatened prehistoric art site in Portugal.
French Minsitry of Culture including the Ardeche cave art site.
Guide to Resources for the Study of the Ancient Near East
Human Genome Network
ICOMOS, international sites-and-monuments people (new address).
Internet Resources for Heritage Conservation (ICOMOS).
Iowa Office of the State Archaeologist (OSA) Home Page.
Israeli Foreign Ministry Archeological Excavations in Israel - 1995
Journal of Field Archaeology from Boston University
Little Salt Spring Underwater Archaeology project , digital video and GIS.
Mayan Epigraphic Database Project (also available via ftp and gopher)
National Center for Preservation Technology and Training gopher.
Native American Resource Center
NativeNet Information Server
Oriental Institute
Pompeii exhibition (virtual tour).
Pylos Regional Archaeological Project (PRAP)
ROMARCH (Italy and the Roman provinces)
The SAA Bulletin also gopher protocol.
Stonehenge (c2000bc) 3D computer reconstruction.
The Identification of the Location of Shikhin. (Strange, Groh & Longstaff).
Theoretical Anthropology (Electronic Journal)
TLTP (the Teaching and Learning Technology Program).
Trent & Peak Archaeological Trust
WEDA Worldwide Email Directory of Anthropologists
World Archaeological Congress (WAC) home page


Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibition on line from the Library of Congress.
Exploratorium of Science and Art.
Field Museum of Chicago
Franklin Institute Virtual Museum
Israel Museum
The Kelsey Museum of Archaeology in Michigan USA.
London Museum of Natural History
Newcastle University Museum of Antiquities
Paris Museum
Stoke on Trent City Museum
Trips Museum
UC-Berkeley Museum of Paleontology

University Departments

Boston University, Journal of Field Archaeology.
University of Bradford Dept. of Archaeological Sciences.
BUFAU (Birmingham University Field Archaeology Unit) .
Boston University Archaeological Project At K'Axob.
University of California Santa Barbara, Anthropology Dept.
University of Calgary Department of Archaeology.
Edinburgh University Department of Archaeology.
University of Glasgow Archaeology Department home page
Institute of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University of Oxford
Lampeter (University of Wales) Department of Archaeology.
Ohio State University Excavations at Isthmia
University of New England, Dept. of Archaeology and Palaeoanthropology.
Nottingam University (Trent & Peak Archaeological Trust)
University of Michigan Papyrology Collection
Staffordshire University Computing Archaeology Research Group.
Stanford University Anthropology server.
University of Waikato Radiocarbon dating lab.
Uppsala University Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology


University of Southampton
Department of Archaeology

Maintained by David Wheatley Last updated 8th June 1995. Comments and suggestions to