Civil Engineering on the Internet

This is a list of information resources specifically related to Civil Engineering. See Other Engineering Resources for indices related to other branches of engineering.

Topics and Indices

WWW Virtual Library - Civil Engineering
A central index to civil engineering resources on the net.
Engineering-Concrete Discussion List
A mailing list for discussing concrete research and the use of concrete as a structural material. This gopher server holds the archives of the discussion list and information about how to subscribe.
Transportation Engineering & Technology Index at EINet Galaxy
EINet Galaxy is a directory service indexing a large number of topics.


Association of Consulting Engineers of Manitoba
Structural Engineers Association of California


Carleton University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Georgia Tech School of Civil Engineering

University of Leeds, Institute for Transport Studies
Check out the Primavera project (Priority Management for Vehicle Efficiency Environment and Road Safety on Arterials). Several papers relating to this project are on-line.

University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
See also the ICARIS Project gopher server, dealing with CAD in AEC industries.

University of Manitoba, Dept of Civil and Geological Engineering
The Department, divisions by research area, faculty, and facilities.

University of North Carolina, Institute for Transportation Research and Education
ITRE program areas include Highways, Local governments, Pupil Transportation, Geographic Information Systems, and Public Transportation. A lot of the information here reads like a promotional brochure.

University of Portsmouth, Department of Civil Engineering
The Department, its staff and their research.

University of Tasmania, Department of Civil Engineering

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