Amos's WWW links page

Note: Always under construction !

This is a preliminary version, please refrain from sending me any feedback until this page becomes 'official' (somewhere in mid-March).

Work related

ExPASy - Of course most of what I need is already available from there !

Protein and associated topics databases

Protein 3D structure and associated topics databases

Protein 2D gel servers

Nucleotide and associated topics databases

Species specific databases

Gene(s)/protein(s) specific databases

Biological journals Web servers

Some biocomputing servers homepages

Biotechnology companies

Biocomputing, software companies

Miscellanous references sites


Computer-related links

Recreational links


This list is not supposed to be complete, it reflects my (Amos Bairoch) interests and will list servers that I find useful and up to date.
Last modified 6/Mar/1996 by AB
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