University of Bath

Notice board

Select this item if you would like to pin a notice on this board.

- HTML programmer wanted in Bath - 15/3/96
- PC for sale - 14/3/96
- Attention all you skaters!! - 14/3/96
- Manuals for Excel version 4 - 11/3/96
- Accommodation for 1996/7 - 11/3/96
- Rice Cooker for Sale - 8/3/96
- Bedroom furniture. for sale. - 4/3/96
- Desk for sale - 4/3/96
- SCR Spanish Evening - 29/2/96
- For sale: Book on Visual Basic 3.0 - 28/2/96
- For sale: A1 Freestanding Drawing Board - 26/2/96
- Greener Campus Initiative (BUSU + Enviro.Soc.) - 26/2/96
- For sale : SNES with lots of games - 23/2/96
- Atari st computer for sale - 23/2/96
- Room available for 1997 bio-chemists. - 23/2/96
- Accomodation Offered - 19/2/96
- For Sale: BMW R65 Motorcycle - 19/2/96
- Accommodation wanted - Urgent! - 13/2/96
- Volunteers Needed! - 12/2/96
- SCR Jazz Evening - 12/2/96
- Accommodation offered - 7/2/96
- Car For Sale: Rover 2000 SD1, ú350 ono - 7/2/96
- Wanted : Colour Portable TV - 7/2/96
- Panasonic Radio Cassette for sale - 7/2/96
- Wanted : Help learning Hungarian - 7/2/96
- Alloy Wheel for sale. - 29/1/96
- Gulf War Series 2 & 4 - 17/1/96
- For Sale : Ford Fiesta Mexico C reg. ú1500 o.n.o. - 17/1/96

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University of Bath, Bath, AVON BA2 7AY

[Univeristy of Bath]