


By Victor Ostrovsky

  • Details of Mossad's dealings with right-wing fanatics of the Belgium State Secret Services in the mid 1980s.

    At the request of the Service the Mossad supplied arms to right-wing reneged law men and fanatics, who in turn, carried out a series of terrorist attacks to destabilize the Belgian government.

  • Exposing industrial espionage conducted by the Mossad inside American companies.

  • Mossad methods of recruiting operatives from within the Palestinian community in Europe.

  • Detailes of Mossad complicity in the death of assistant U.S. military attachΘ Mr. Charles Robert Ray.

  • How the author arranged the arrest of Israeli arms dealer Avraham Bar-Am on April 1986.

  • Operation Trojan One of the Mossad greatest operations in which it disinformed the Americans into bombing Libya, and how it was don.

  • How Mossad activates, maintains, and recruits thousands of Jewish helpers around the world.

  • How Mossad uses, the Bnai-Brith, the anti defamation league, the JDL, UJA, AIPAC, and other such organizations.

  • Mossads attempts to destabilize Jordan and their support for regional fundamentalists on both sides.

  • Detailes of the BLUE PIPELINE the nick name given to Israeli arms sales to Iran.

  • The existence of a special Jordanian intelligence unit inside the occupied territories who speak Hebrew and are uniformed as Israelis.

  • Detailes on the secret Israeli ABC warfare (Atomic Bacteriological and Chemical ) and how Palestinian prisoners are tested on as Gini pigs, and how tests were carried out on blacks in South Africa.

  • Wht Jonathan Pollard, an American spying for Israel, was ordered to shut down operations by Mossad; why he was reactivated; why the Mossad subsequently turned him over to the FBI. How a large portion of the information he handed over to Israel made its way to the Soviet Union.

  • How and why the Mossad is trying to subvert the Israeli Arab peace process.

  • How the Mossad supplies arms to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and other Muslim fundamentalists groups.

  • European news paper baron Robert Maxwell's involvement with the Mossad.

  • Operation Domino Mossad hit team assassinates a Kuwaiti cartoonist in London while placing the blame on the PLO.

    Ostrovsky leaked details of the plan to the British intelligence but they preferred to stay out of it.

  • How the Mossad succeeded in having former Austrian leader Kurt Waldheim branded as a Nazi by placing incriminating evidence in his file at the U.N.

  • Operation Brush fire details the assassination of Gerald Bull and how the Mossad manipulated the U.S. into military involvement in the Middle East in general and the Gulf area in particular.

  • How Mossad helped Saddam Hussein target his missiles on Iran, using American satellites.

  • Full details of Mossad's attempted assassination of President George Bush during the Madrid peace talks.

  • The information that started a new investigation in Germany regarding the assassination by Mossad of the German politician Mr. Barschel.

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