Legislation by Title]

104th Congress

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Hot Legislation By Popular or Short Title

This page contains links to "hot" bills or amendments -- measures which have received or are receiving floor action and/or debate in the United States Congress. They are listed first by popular title, then by short title. This page cumulates major hot legislation from the inception of the 104th Congress.

Jump to hot legislation listed by short titles.

Hot Legislation by Popular Title

Popular titles are the names by which bills or amendments are referred to in the press and popular media. Only a small number of the measures introduced are ever known by popular titles. Often several pieces of legislation may share the same popular title, e.g., "Anti-Crime bill" or "Contract with America bill."

Hot Legislation by Short Title

One piece of legislation may have a number of distinct sections, each having its own short title; thus the same bill may be assigned a number of short titles. Conversely, a number of different bills may share the same short title. As a bill passes through the legislative process, often short titles assigned to it are dropped, added or changed as the content of the bill is amended, so that some short titles apply only to certain version(s) of a bill (that is, a bill at a certain stage of the legislative process). Examples of bill versions are: Introduced in the House (or Senate); Reported in the House (or Senate); Passed by the House (or Senate); Enrolled (or As Enacted). In the list below, if a bill number is followed by the names of several versions, the short title applies to all of those versions. Titles you may select below will not always match the short title displayed at the top of the bill text, as only one short title can be displayed per bill.

AMTRAK Reform and Privatization Act of 1995:
H.R.1788 (as passed House)

Accelerated Cleanup and Environmental Restoration Act of 1995:
S.1285 (as introduced)

Administrative Procedure Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.9 (as introduced)

Agricultural Market Transition Act of 1996:
S.1541 (as introduced)

Agricultural Market Transition Act:
H.R.2854 (as introduced), H.R.2854 (as reported to House)

Agricultural Reconciliation Act of 1995:
S.1357 (as introduced)

Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.1976 (as reported to Senate), H.R.1976 (as passed House)

Alaska Power Administration Asset Sale and Termination Act:
S.395 (as reported to Senate), S.395 (as passed Senate), S.395 (as enacted)

Alaska Power Administration Sale Act:
H.R.1122 , S.395 (as introduced), H.R.1122 (as reported to House)

American Overseas Interests Act of 1995:
H.R.1561 (as introduced), H.R.1561 (as passed House)

American Technology Advancement Act of 1995:
H.R.2405 (as introduced), H.R.2405 (as passed House)

Amtrak Reform and Privatization Act of 1995:
H.R.1788 (as introduced)

Amtrak and Local Rail Revitalization Act of 1995:
S.1318 (as introduced), S.1318 (as reported to Senate)

Antitrust Consent Decree Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.1528 (as introduced), H.R.1528 (as reported to House)

Arctic Coastal Plain Leasing and Revenue Act of 1995:
S.1357 (as introduced)

Arts, Humanities, and Museum Services Amendments of 1995:
H.R.1557 (as introduced), H.R.1557 (as reported to House)

Arts, Humanities, and Museums Amendments of 1995:
S.856 (as introduced), S.856 (as reported to Senate)

Atlantic Tunas Convention Authorization Act of 1995:
H.R.716 (as passed Senate), H.R.716 (as enacted)

Attorney Accountability Act of 1995:
H.R.988 (as introduced), H.R.988 (as passed House)

Balanced Budget Downpayment Act, II:
H.R.3019 (as introduced)

Balanced Budget Downpayment Act, I:
H.R.2880 (as introduced), H.R.2880 (as enacted)

Balanced Budget Reconciliation Act of 1995:
S.1357 (as introduced)

Ballistic Missile Defense Act of 1995:
H.R.1530 (as reported to House), S.1124 (as enacted)

Biomaterials Access Assurance Act of 1995:
S.565 (as reported to Senate), H.R.956 (as passed Senate)

Bosnia Genocide Justice Act:
H.R.1561 (as passed House)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Self-Defense Act of 1995:
H.R.1172 , S.21 (as introduced)

Bosnia and Herzegovina Self-Defense Act:
H.R.1561 (as passed House)

Bosnoia and Herzegovina Self-Defense Act of 1995:
S.21 (as passed Senate)

H.R.1617 (as reported to House), H.R.1617 (as passed House)

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act Amendments of 1995:
H.R.4 (as passed Senate)

Child Care and Development Block Grant Amendments Act of 1995:
S.1120 (as introduced), H.R.4 (as passed Senate)

Child Care and Development Block Grant Amendments of 1995:
H.R.4 (as passed House)

Child and Family Services Block Grant Act of 1995:
H.R.4 (as passed House)

China Policy Act of 1995:
H.R.2058 (as introduced)

Clean Water Amendments of 1995:
H.R.961 (as introduced), H.R.961 (as reported to House)

Collbran Project Unit Conveyance Act:
S.1357 (as introduced)

Commerce Department Termination and Government Reorganziation Act of 1995:
S.929 (as reported to Senate)

Commodity Distribution Act of 1995:
H.R.1135 (as introduced), H.R.1135 (as reported to House)

Common Sense Legal Reforms Act of 1995:
H.R.10 (as introduced), H.R.10 (as reported to House)

Common Sense Legal Standards Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.956 (as introduced)

Common Sense Product Liability Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.956 (as introduced)

Common Sense Product Liability Reform Act:
H.R.917 (as introduced), H.R.917 (as reported to House)

Common Sense Product Liability and Legal Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.956 (as passed House)

Communications Act of 1995:
H.R.1555 (as introduced), H.R.1555 (as reported to House)

Communications Decency Act of 1995:
S.652 (as introduced), S.652 (as passed Senate)

Communications Decency Act of 1996:
S.652 (as enacted)

Comprehensive Antiterrorism Act of 1995:
H.R.1710 , H.R.2703 (as introduced), H.R.1710 (as reported to House)

Comprehensive Regulatory Reform Act of 1995:
S.343 (as introduced), S.343 (as reported to Senate)

Comprehensive Terrorism Prevention Act of 1995:
S.735 (as introduced), S.735 (as passed Senate)

Comprehensive Wetlands Conservation and Management Act of 1995:
H.R.961 (as introduced), H.R.961 (as reported to House)

Congressional Accountability Act of 1995:
H.R.1 , S.2 (as introduced), H.R.1 , S.2 (as passed Senate)

Congressional Operations Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.1854 (as reported to Senate), H.R.1854 (as passed House)

Congressional and Federal Employee Retirement Equalization Act:
H.R.1327 (as introduced), H.R.1215 (as passed House)

Consolidated and Reformed Education, Employment, and Rehabilitation Systems Act:
H.R.1617 (as reported to House), H.R.1617 (as passed House)

Consumer Leasing Act Amendments of 1995:
H.R.1362 , H.R.1858 (as introduced), H.R.1858 (as reported to House)

Contingency Appropriations Act, 1996:
S.1594 (as introduced)

Contract With America Tax Relief Act of 1995:
H.R.1215 (as introduced), H.R.1215 (as passed House)

Contract with America Tax Relief Act of 1995:
H.R.1327 (as introduced)

Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety Act:
H.R.1530 (as passed House), S.1124 (as enacted)

Creative Revenues Act of 1995:
H.R.2526 (as introduced)

Criminal Alien Deportation Improvements Act of 1995:
H.R.668 , H.R.2768 (as introduced), H.R.668 (as reported to House)

Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (LIBERTAD) Act of 1995:
H.R.927 (as passed Senate), H.R.927 (as reported to House)

Deficit Reduction Lock-box Act of 1995:
H.R.1162 (as reported to House), H.R.1162 (as passed House)

Department of Commerce Dismantling Act:
H.R.1756 , H.R.2491 , S.929 (as introduced), H.R.1756 (as reported to House)

Department of Commerce and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2076 (as reported to Senate), H.R.2076 (as passed House)

Department of Commerce and Related Agencies AppropriationsAct, 1996:
H.R.2076 (as passed Senate)

Department of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary,and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2076 (as passed Senate)

Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2126 (as passed Senate), H.R.2126 (as passed House)

Department of Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996:
S.1124 (as introduced), S.1124 (as passed Senate)

Department of Education Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2127 , H.R.3019 , S.1594 (as introduced), H.R.2127 (as reported to Senate)

Department of Energy Civilian Research and Development Act of 1995:
H.R.1816 , H.R.2405 (as introduced), H.R.1816 (as reported to House)

Department of Energy National Security Act for Fiscal Year 1996:
S.1126 (as introduced), S.1126 (as passed Senate)

Department of Energy Risk Management Act of 1995:
S.333 (as introduced)

Department of Health and Human Services Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2127 , H.R.3019 , S.1594 (as introduced), H.R.2127 (as reported to Senate)

Department of Justice Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2076 (as reported to Senate), H.R.2076 (as passed Senate), H.R.2076 (as passed House)

Department of Labor Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2127 , H.R.3019 , S.1594 (as introduced), H.R.2127 (as reported to Senate)

Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.3019 (as introduced)

Department of State and Related Agencies Appropriaitons Act,1996:
H.R.2076 (as passed Senate)

Department of State and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2076 (as reported to Senate), H.R.2076 (as passed House)

Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2002 (as introduced), H.R.2002 (as passed Senate)

Department of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.3019 (as introduced)

Department of Veterans Affairs, and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
S.1594 (as introduced)

Department of the Interior Surveying and Mapping Efficiency and Economic Opportunity Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
S.1594 (as introduced)

Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.1977 (as introduced), H.R.1977 (as reported to Senate)

Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2076 (as reported to Senate), H.R.2076 (as passed House)

Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
S.1594 (as introduced)

Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2127 (as introduced), H.R.2127 (as reported to Senate)

Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2099 (as passed Senate), H.R.2099 (as passed House)

Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995:
S.227 (as passed Senate), H.R.1506 (as passed House)

Discretionary Spending Reduction and Control Act of 1995:
H.R.1219 , H.R.1327 (as introduced), H.R.1219 (as reported to House)

District of Columbia Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2546 , S.1244 (as passed Senate), H.R.2546 (as reported to House)

District of Columbia Emergency Highway Relief Act:
H.R.2017 (as introduced), H.R.2017 (as passed House), H.R.2017 (as enacted)

District of Columbia Financial Responsibility and Management Assistance Act of 1995:
H.R.1345 (as passed Senate), H.R.1345 (as passed House)

District of Columbia School Reform Act of 1995:
S.1594 (as introduced), H.R.2546 (as reported to House)

District of Columbia Schools Improvement Act:
S.1244 (as introduced), H.R.2546 , S.1244 (as passed Senate)

Economic Development Partnership Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Edible Oil Regulatory Reform Act:
H.R.436 (as passed Senate), H.R.436 (as reported to House)

Effective Death Penalty Act of 1995:
H.R.729 (as introduced), H.R.729 (as passed House)

Effective Death Penalty and Antiterrorism Act of 1995:
H.R.2768 (as introduced)

Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act of 1996:
S.1594 (as introduced)

Emergency Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions for the Department of Defense to Preserve and Enhance Military Readiness Act of 1995:
H.R.889 (as introduced), H.R.889 (as enacted)

Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Additional Disaster Assistance, for Anti-terrorism Initiatives, for Assistance in the Recovery from the Tragedy that Occurred at Oklahoma City and Rescissions Act, 1995:
H.R.1944 (as introduced), H.R.1944 (as enacted)

Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Additional Disaster Assistance, for Anti-terrorism Initiatives, for Assistance in the Recovery from the Tragedy that Occurred at Oklahoma City, and Rescissions Act, 1995:
H.R.1158 (as reported to House), H.R.1944 (as passed House)

Energy and Water Development Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.1905 (as passed Senate), H.R.1905 (as passed House)

Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1995:
H.R.1814 , H.R.2405 (as introduced), H.R.1814 (as reported to House)

Equal Credit Opportunity Act Amendments of 1995:
H.R.1362 , H.R.1858 (as introduced), H.R.1858 (as reported to House)

Exclusionary Rule Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.666 (as introduced), H.R.666 (as passed House)

Executive Office Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2020 (as introduced), H.R.2020 (as passed Senate)

Expatriation Tax Act of 1995:
H.R.1812 (as introduced), H.R.1812 (as reported to House)

Family Privacy Protection Act of 1995:
H.R.1271 (as introduced), H.R.1271 (as passed House)

Family Reinforcement Act:
H.R.11 (as introduced)

Family Self-Sufficiency Act of 1995:
H.R.4 (as reported to Senate)

Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.1670 (as introduced), H.R.1670 (as reported to House)

Federal Acquisition Reform Act of 1996:
S.1124 (as enacted)

Federal Anti-Stalker Act of 1996:
H.R.2954 (as introduced)

Federal Aviation Administration Revitalization Act of 1995:
H.R.2276 (as introduced)

Federal Communications Commission Authorization Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Federal Highway and Railroad Grade Crossing Safety Act of 1995:
S.440 (as passed Senate)

Federal Oil and Gas Royalty Simplification and Fairness Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 , S.1357 (as introduced)

Federal Reports Elimination and Sunset Act of 1995:
S.790 (as passed Senate), S.790 (as reported to House)

Federal Statistics Agency Establishment Act:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Financial Institutions Regulatory Relief Act of 1995:
H.R.1362 , H.R.1858 (as introduced), H.R.1858 (as reported to House)

Financial Services Competitiveness Act of 1995:
H.R.1062 (as introduced), H.R.1062 (as reported to House)

Fire Administration Authorization Act of 1995:
H.R.2405 (as introduced), H.R.2405 (as passed House)

Fisheries Act of 1995:
H.R.716 (as passed Senate), H.R.716 (as enacted)

Fishery Conservation and Management Amendments of 1995:
H.R.39 (as introduced), H.R.39 (as reported to House)

Food Quality Protection Act of 1995:
H.R.1627 (as introduced)

Food Stamp Flexibility and Commodity Distribution Consolidation Act of 1995:
H.R.1997 (as introduced)

Food Stamp Program and Commodity Distribution Act:
H.R.1135 (as introduced)

Food Stamp Reform and Commodity Distribution Act of 1995:
H.R.4 (as passed House)

Food Stamp Reform and Commodity Distribution Act:
H.R.1135 (as reported to House), H.R.4 (as passed House)

Food Stamp Simplification and Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.1135 (as introduced), H.R.1135 (as reported to House)

Foreign Affairs Agencies Consolidation Act of 1995:
H.R.1561 , H.R.1562 (as introduced), H.R.1561 (as passed House)

Foreign Affairs Reinvention Act of 1995:
S.908 (as introduced)

Foreign Aid Reduction Act of 1995:
H.R.1561 , S.961 (as introduced), H.R.1561 (as passed House)

Foreign Aid Reporting Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.1561 (as passed House)

Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.1868 (as reported to Senate), H.R.1868 (as passed House)

Foreign Relations Authorization Act Fiscal Years 1996-1999:
S.908 (as introduced)

Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 1996 and 1997:
H.R.1561 (as introduced), H.R.1561 (as passed House)

Foreign Relations Revitalization Act of 1995:
S.908 (as introduced)

Freedom to Farm Act of 1995:
H.R.2195 (as introduced)

GSP Renewal Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Government 2000 Act:
S.929 (as reported to Senate)

Health Care Fraud and Abuse Prevention Act of 1995:
S.1357 (as introduced)

Health Insurance Reform Act of 1995:
S.1028 (as introduced), S.1028 (as reported to Senate)

Helium Act of 1995:
S.1357 (as introduced)

High Seas Driftnet Fishing Moratorium Protection Act:
H.R.716 (as passed Senate), H.R.716 (as enacted)

High Seas Fishing Compliance Act of 1995:
H.R.716 (as passed Senate), H.R.716 (as enacted)

Higher Education Program Efficiency Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Highway Funding Restoration Act of 1995:
S.440 (as passed Senate), H.R.2274 (as reported to House)

Homesteading and Neighborhood Restoration Act of 1995:
H.R.1691 (as introduced), H.R.1691 (as passed House)

Housing Opportunity Program Extension Act of 1995:
S.1494 (as introduced), S.1494 (as passed Senate)

Hydrogen Future Act of 1995:
H.R.655 (as introduced), H.R.655 (as reported to House)

ICC Termination Act of 1995:
H.R.2539 (as introduced), H.R.2539 (as enacted)

Illinois Land Conservation Act of 1995:
H.R.1530 , S.1026 , S.1125 (as passed Senate), H.R.1530 (as passed House)

Immigration in the National Interest Act of 1995:
H.R.1915 , H.R.2202 (as introduced)

Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2020 (as introduced), H.R.2020 (as passed Senate)

Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.1530 , S.1026 (as passed Senate), H.R.1530 (as passed House)

Information Technology Management Reform Act of 1996:
S.1124 (as enacted)

Integrated Spent Nuclear Fuel Management Act of 1995:
H.R.1020 (as introduced)

Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996:
S.922 (as reported to Senate), H.R.1655 (as passed Senate), H.R.1655 (as reported to House)

International Space Station Authorization Act of 1995:
H.R.1601 (as introduced), H.R.1601 (as reported to House)

Interstate Transportation of Municipal Solid Waste Act of 1995:
S.534 (as introduced), S.534 (as reported to Senate)

Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995:
S.1322 (as passed Senate), S.1322 (as enacted)

Job Creation and Wage Enhancement Act of 1995:
H.R.9 (as introduced), H.R.9 (as passed House)

Job Training Consolidation Act of 1995:
S.143 (as introduced)

Jucidiary Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2076 (as passed Senate)

Judiciary Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2076 (as reported to Senate), H.R.2076 (as passed House)

Legislative Branch Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.1854 (as reported to Senate), H.R.1854 (as passed House)

Legislative Line Item Veto Act of 1995:
S.4 (as introduced), S.4 (as reported to Senate)

Legislative Line Item Veto Act:
S.14 (as introduced), S.14 (as reported to Senate)

Library Services and Technology Act:
S.856 (as introduced), S.856 (as reported to Senate)

Library Services and Technology:
H.R.1617 (as passed Senate)

Line Item Veto Act:
H.R.2 (as introduced), H.R.2 (as reported to House)

Livestock Grazing Act:
H.R.1713 , S.852 (as introduced)

Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995:
H.R.2564 , S.101 , S.1060 (as introduced), S.1060 (as passed Senate)

Local Government Law Enforcement Block Grants Act of 1995:
H.R.728 (as introduced), H.R.728 (as passed House)

Major League Baseball Antitrust Reform Act of 1995:
S.627 (as introduced)

Market Incentives Act of 1995:
S.291 (as introduced)

Marking of Plastic Explosives for Detection Act:
H.R.896 , S.390 (as introduced)

Medicaid Transformation Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 , S.1357 (as introduced)

Medicare Parts B and C Administration Budget Savings Extension Act of 1995:
H.R.1217 (as introduced)

Medicare Preservation Act of 1995:
H.R.2425 (as introduced), H.R.2425 (as passed House)

Medicare Presidential Budget Savings Extension Act of 1995:
H.R.1134 , H.R.1327 (as introduced), H.R.1215 (as passed House)

Mexican Debt Disclosure Act of 1995:
H.R.889 (as passed Senate), H.R.889 (as enacted)

Middle East Peace Faciliation Act of 1995:
H.R.1868 (as reported to Senate)

Middle East Peace Facilitation Act of 1995:
H.R.2666 (as introduced)

Middle East Peace Facilitation Act of 1996:
H.R.1868 (as enacted)

Military Construction Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.1817 (as passed Senate), H.R.1817 (as passed House)

Military Construction Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996:
H.R.1530 , S.1026 , S.1125 (as passed Senate), H.R.1530 (as reported to House)

Military Housing Assistance Act of 1995:
H.R.1530 (as reported to House), S.1124 (as enacted)

Military Justice Amendment of 1995:
H.R.1530 (as passed House)

Military Justice Amendments of 1995:
S.1124 (as enacted)

Mining Law Revenue Act of 1995:
S.1357 (as introduced)

Minor Use Crop Protection Act of 1995:
H.R.1627 (as introduced)

Missile Defense Act of 1995:
S.1026 , S.1124 (as introduced), H.R.1530 , S.1026 , S.1124 (as passed Senate)

Missing Children's Assistance Act of 1995:
H.R.999 (as reported to House)

Municipal Solid Waste Flow Control Act of 1995:
S.534 (as introduced), S.534 (as reported to Senate)

Museum and Library Services Act:
S.856 (as introduced), S.856 (as reported to Senate)

NATO Expansion Act of 1995:
H.R.7 (as reported to House), H.R.7 (as passed House)

NATO Revitalization and Expansion Act of 1995:
H.R.7 (as introduced), H.R.7 (as reported to House)

National Aeronautics and Space Administration Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 1996:
S.1048 (as passed Senate), H.R.2043 (as reported to House)

National Capital Area Interest Arbitration Standards Act of 1995:
H.R.2002 (as introduced), H.R.2002 (as enacted)

National Capital Region Interstate Transportation Authority Act of 1995:
S.440 (as reported to Senate), S.440 (as passed Senate)

National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996:
H.R.1530 , S.1026 (as passed Senate), H.R.1530 (as reported to House)

National Education Technology Funding Corporation Act of 1995:
S.652 (as passed Senate)

National Grasslands Management Act of 1995:
S.852 (as reported to Senate)

National Highway System Designation Act of 1995:
S.440 (as reported to Senate), S.440 (as passed Senate), H.R.2274 (as reported to House)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Act of 1995:
S.929 (as reported to Senate)

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Authorization Act of 1995:
H.R.2405 (as introduced), H.R.2405 (as passed House)

National Park System Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.260 , H.R.2491 (as introduced), H.R.260 (as reported to House)

National Science Foundation Authorization Act of 1995:
H.R.1852 , H.R.2405 (as introduced), H.R.1852 (as reported to House)

National Security Revitalization Act:
H.R.7 (as introduced), H.R.7 (as reported to House)

Naval Petroleum Reserve Privatization Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Convention Act of 1995:
H.R.716 (as passed Senate), H.R.716 (as enacted)

Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1995:
H.R.1020 (as passed House)

Nutrition Assistance Reform Act of 1995:
S.904 (as introduced)

Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Omnibus Civilian Science Authorization Act of 1995:
H.R.2405 (as introduced), H.R.2405 (as passed House)

Omnibus Consolidated Rescissions and Appropriations Act of 1996:
S.1594 (as introduced)

Omnibus Counterterrorism Act of 1995:
H.R.896 , S.390 (as introduced)

Outer Continental Shelf Deep Water Royalty Relief Act:
S.395 (as introduced), S.395 (as passed Senate)

Pacific Insular Areas Fisheries Empowerment Act of 1995:
H.R.39 (as passed House)

Panama Canal Amendments Act of 1995:
H.R.1530 (as reported to House), S.1124 (as enacted)

Panama Canal Commission Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996:
H.R.1530 , S.1026 , S.1126 (as passed Senate), H.R.1530 (as reported to House)

Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995:
H.R.9 , H.R.830 , S.244 (as introduced), H.R.9 , H.R.830 (as passed House), S.244 (as enacted)

Parental Choice in Television Act of 1995:
S.652 (as passed Senate)

Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1995:
S.939 (as introduced)

Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1995:
H.R.1833 (as passed Senate), H.R.1833 (as reported to House)

Patent and Trademark Office Corporation Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Peace Powers Act of 1995:
S.5 (as introduced)

Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Amendments of 1995:
H.R.1103 (as passed House), H.R.1103 (as enacted)

Personal Responsibility Act of 1995:
H.R.4 (as introduced), H.R.4 (as passed House)

Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act of 1995:
H.R.4 (as passed House)

Postal Service Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2020 (as introduced), H.R.2020 (as passed Senate)

Power Administration Act:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Prison Litigation Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.3019 , S.1594 (as introduced), H.R.2076 (as passed Senate)

Private Property Protection Act of 1995:
H.R.925 (as introduced), H.R.9 , H.R.925 (as passed House)

Private Sector Whistleblowers' Protection Act of 1995:
H.R.9 (as introduced)

Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995:
S.240 (as introduced), S.240 (as reported to Senate)

Privatization Act of 1995:
H.R.1720 (as introduced), H.R.1720 (as reported to House)

Product Liability Fairness Act of 1995:
S.565 (as introduced), S.565 (as reported to Senate)

Prohibition of Cigarette Sales to Minors in Federal Buildings and Lands Act:
H.R.2020 (as passed Senate), H.R.2020 (as enacted)

Protection and Advocacy for Individuals With Mental Illnesses Act:
S.1180 (as reported to Senate)

Protection and Advocacy for Individuals with Mental Illnesses Act:
S.1180 (as introduced)

Public Housing Reform and Empowerment Act of 1995:
S.1260 (as introduced)

Public Housing Reform and Empowerment Act of 1996:
S.1260 (as passed Senate)

Public Rangelands Management Act of 1995:
S.852 (as reported to Senate)

Public Works Reconciliation Act of 1995:
S.1357 (as introduced)

Rail Infrastructure Preservation Act of 1995:
S.1318 (as introduced), S.1318 (as reported to Senate)

Reform of Superfund Act of 1995:
H.R.2500 (as introduced)

Regulatory Accounting Act of 1995:
S.291 (as introduced)

Regulatory Reform Act of 1995:
S.291 (as introduced), S.291 (as passed Senate)

Regulatory Reform and Relief Act:
H.R.926 (as introduced), H.R.9 , H.R.926 (as passed House)

Regulatory Sunset and Review Act of 1995:
H.R.994 (as introduced), H.R.994 (as reported to House)

Regulatory Transition Act of 1995:
H.R.450 , S.219 (as introduced), H.R.450 , S.219 (as passed House)

Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 , S.1357 (as introduced)

Risk Assessment and Communication Act of 1995:
H.R.2586 (as passed Senate), H.R.9 , H.R.1022 (as passed House)

Risk Assessment and Cost-Benefit Act of 1995:
H.R.1022 (as introduced), H.R.9 , H.R.1022 (as passed House)

Risk Management Act of 1995:
S.333 (as reported to Senate)

Risk Reduction Priorities Act of 1995:
S.291 (as introduced)

Ryan White CARE Act Amendments of 1995:
H.R.1872 (as introduced), H.R.1872 (as reported to House)

Ryan White CARE Reauthorization Act of 1995:
S.641 (as introduced), S.641 (as passed Senate)

SAMHSA Reauthorization, Flexibility Enhancement, and Consolidation Act of 1995:
S.1180 (as introduced), S.1180 (as reported to Senate)

Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments of 1995:
S.1316 (as introduced), S.1316 (as reported to Senate)

Sea of Okhotsk Fisheries Enforcement Act of 1995:
H.R.716 (as passed Senate), H.R.716 (as enacted)

Second Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions Act, 1995:
S.617 (as introduced), H.R.1158 (as passed Senate)

Securities Litigation Reform Act:
H.R.10 , H.R.1058 (as introduced), H.R.10 (as reported to House)

Securities and Exchange Commission Authorization Act of 1996:
H.R.2972 (as introduced)

Senior Citizens Housing Safety Act of 1995:
H.R.117 (as introduced)

Senior Citizens Housing Safety and Economic Relief Act of 1995:
H.R.117 (as passed House)

Senior Citizens' Right to Work Act of 1995:
H.R.2684 , S.1432 (as introduced), H.R.2684 (as passed House)

Separate Enrollment and Line Item Veto Act of 1995:
S.4 (as passed Senate)

Seven-Year Balanced Budget Reconciliation Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Sex Crimes Against Children Prevention Act of 1995:
H.R.1240 (as passed Senate), H.R.1240 (as enacted)

Sexual Crimes Against Children Prevention Act of 1995:
H.R.1240 (as introduced), H.R.1240 (as reported to House)

Small Business Credit Efficiency Act of 1995:
H.R.2150 (as introduced), H.R.2150 (as reported to House)

Small Business Lending Enhancement Act of 1995:
S.895 (as passed Senate), S.895 (as passed House)

Small Business Regulatory Fairness Act of 1995:
S.942 (as introduced)

Special Envoy for Tibet Act of 1995:
S.908 (as introduced)

Stop Turning Out Prisoners Act:
H.R.2076 (as reported to Senate)

Supplemental Appropriations and Rescissions Act, 1995:
H.R.889 (as reported to Senate), H.R.889 (as passed Senate)

Taking Back Our Streets Act of 1995:
H.R.3 (as introduced)

Tax Fairness and Deficit Reduction Act of 1995:
H.R.1327 (as introduced), H.R.1215 (as passed House)

Tax Simplification Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Teamwork for Employees and Managers Act of 1995:
H.R.743 (as introduced), H.R.743 (as reported to House)

Telecommunications Act of 1996:
S.652 (as enacted)

Telecommunications Competition and Deregulation Act of 1995:
S.652 (as introduced), S.652 (as passed Senate)

Territorial Administrative Cessation Act:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Thrift Charter Conversion Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Trade Reorganization Act of 1995:
H.R.1756 (as reported to House)

Trans-Alaska Pipeline Amendment Act of 1995:
S.395 (as introduced), S.395 (as reported to Senate)

Treasury Department Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2020 (as introduced), H.R.2020 (as passed Senate)

Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriations Act, 1996:
H.R.2020 (as introduced), H.R.2020 (as passed Senate)

Truth in Budgeting Act:
H.R.2274 (as reported to House)

USEC Privatization Act:
H.R.1327 , H.R.2491 , S.1357 (as introduced), H.R.1215 (as passed House)

Unfunded Mandate Reform Act of 1995:
H.R.5 , S.1 (as introduced), H.R.5 (as reported to House)

Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995:
S.1 (as enacted)

United States Housing Act of 1995:
H.R.2406 (as introduced)

Utah Public Lands Management Act of 1995:
H.R.1745 (as introduced), H.R.1745 (as reported to House)

Veterans Reconciliation Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 , S.1357 (as introduced)

Victim Restitution Act of 1995:
H.R.665 (as introduced), H.R.665 (as passed House)

Victims Justice Act of 1995:
H.R.665 (as reported to Senate), H.R.665 (as passed Senate)

Victims of Terrorism Act of 1995:
S.735 (as passed Senate)

Violent Criminal Incarceration Act of 1995:
H.R.667 (as introduced), H.R.667 (as passed House)

Visitor Facilities and Services Enhancement Act of 1995:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Waste Isolation Pilot Plant Land Withdrawal Amendment Act:
H.R.2491 (as introduced)

Water Resources Development Act of 1995:
S.640 (as introduced), S.640 (as reported to Senate)

Welfare Reform Consolidation Act of 1995:
H.R.999 (as introduced), H.R.999 (as reported to House)

Welfare Transformation Act of 1995:
H.R.1157 (as introduced)

Woodrow Wilson Memorial Bridge Authority Act of 1995:
S.440 (as enacted)

Work Opportunity Act of 1995:
S.1120 , S.1357 (as introduced), H.R.4 (as passed Senate)

Workforce Development Act of 1995:
S.1120 (as introduced), S.143 (as reported to Senate)

Yukon River Salmon Act of 1995:
H.R.716 (as passed Senate)

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(Last Update - Fri Mar 15 06:24:25 1996)