ECONOMIC SURVEY THE NETHERLANDS (Special quarterly edition)

March 12th 1996

Economic Research Department, Domestic Economic research, Rabobank Nederland, tel: 31-30902661

Key economic indicators                            '95-III      '95-IV      1995      1996      1997
Production and spending volume                                  (annual change in %, unless specified otherwise)
Gross Domestic Product                               2.2          1.6        2.4       2         2╛  
Private consumption                                  2.2           _         2.1       2╜        2╝
Gross fixed capital formation (including dwellings)  2.6           _         5.2       2╛        5╝ 
Government investment                                4.2           _         3.2       2╝        2 
Exports of goods en services                         3.8           _         5.9       4╜        5
Imports of goods en services                         5.0           _         6.5       4╛        5 
Manufacturing production                             2.2          0.7        2.6       1╝        2╜ 
Wages and prices					
Hourly wages private sector                           _            _         1╝        2╝        2╛
Consumer price index                                 1.6          1.5        2.0       2╝        2╝
Other indicators
Registered unemployment (% working force)            6.9          6.9        7.0       6╛        6╛ 
Government budget deficit (% GDP, EMU-definition)     _            _         3.6       3╝        3
Current account surplus (NLG billion)                 _            _        23        22        23

Source: Dutch government and own forecasts


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